posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 02:06 PM
There are many channelings around at the moment regards the Shift from many spiritual cultures inlcuding many of the Aliens that are apparently
getting ready to do Fly Overs and show they exist.
One such, is the info from the Star Nations on this forum
And which yet has to come to light.
But progress and reason can be followed on the yahoo group:
Another one that hotted up last week was messages from the Star Ship Capricorn
Interesting to read the message for the 31st August upto todays message 4th Aug.
If anything it is cool to follow these messages when they are predicting stuff happening within a week or within a month, even if they do not come to
life!, but just maybe oneday!
Anyone got anymore links to channelings predicting Fly Overs within the next month, if so please share.