posted on Sep, 4 2006 @ 09:28 AM
Well as said by the above poster this is where the term originates.
It is thought to originally come from the Knights Templar (close Masonic links) as part of the selection process to join one of their lodges and
become a knight.
As with the Current Masonic tradition no one can become a member unless they are invited to by an existing member. As said above before the person is
approached a discussion goes on at the "layman" or first initiates level as to whether to proceed. The person is then asked if they would be
interested, sometimes an interview or a presentation takes place. Then all the members of the said lodge gather and vote on it in secret. If one black
ball is put in a velvet bag by a member the person is not allowed to join.
I have unlike the above poster known this to happen quite often at least in the UK. (3 times within social circle) A person is approached and says yes
or No, it is only then that any senior members of the lodge get involved. This is where most black balling takes place as this often includes calls to
local police superintendents or senior officers (who actually as is known in the UK would usually be speaking to their bosses or best friends!) look
into it unofficially. All the police information and intelligence is then passed on in a secret member to the senior lodge members.
No lodge will allow anyone to enter who may bring the organisation or the brotherhood into any type of disrepute (lol a paradox, murder, bribery,
extortion and organised crime are fine within the confines and under the controls of the Lodge or organisation, but nothing outside!! previously
So if anything comes up at this stage then the person is black balled and cannot join the Masons.
Strange lot, bags of velvet, different coloured balls, butchers aprons, ancient Babylonian and negative symbolisms and rituals, exclusively male, and
controlled totally, Whilst smearing blood on each other and touching each others breasts (men) very similar to the Skull and Cross bones etc. They get
up to this on weekends for fun and most of them control the world, in the top positions of the Law, Government, Milatary, Finance, Science and the
Media. Very scary indeed.
Regards Elf.
[edit on 4-9-2006 by MischeviousElf]