posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 12:53 AM
I have to think that there was more to 911 then highjackers, missing planes and a president that went missing over america for three hours. \
I was not in NY or DC, but the news I heard ans saw was from that area. It on 911 was all about osoma and middle east terrorists. I guess with no
black boxes and bodies that the government that is controllled by such a few people can make the truth what ever it wishes. The same goes for the
cathearder story, its nice print very professional colors, background and most of all the patriot beat theme. But, like news stories on 911 I find
them now very shallow and only a emotional new cast.
In catherders content it is as though evil walked into the building and reported on july 4, 2001 that is snowing in texas, such is the content of I
want to believe that even a monkey would have jump on the band wagon just to be part of the game.
Don't believe anything you hear and half of what you see!
Yea, the John O'Neil fact being on teh 34th floor and not making it, a person could really write a mystery just about that one.