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hallucinations, delusions and psychosis

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posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 04:52 AM
Hi, anyone here on this forum with any of these disabilities?

Is disability the right word?

hallucinations, things seen by the mind, so intense sometimes it might be like it is in the real world. then again, for a person himself his mind is his real world, and when these projections are forced outside his total perception of the outer world can change?

delusions, seeing (see upper alinea), hearing, smelling things others don't, might be a part of a proces of clearing traumas, or just the cleansing of the self, while things are experienced over blockades are healed.

all this in a psychosis, while I understand psychosis as an inner travel to all the realms one can go to, in the western world psychosis is seen as an illness. While in other cultures psychosis and shizophrene people are worshipped and seen as travelers of other realms.

Witches, shamans have had psychosis or schizophrenia. I think medication does not work much, at least not with the root of the problem, like the voices heard and such, medication doesn't help with that. Contrary, I rather see the auditive things as clairaudiance, and the visuals as clairvoyance. Might truly be these things happen when not wanted by the person, but when under control one can be a good medium of some sort.

These are just the paranormal facts coming trough in mankind. Symptoms of a new age, although these symptoms have been around for years, maybe more people will be vulnerable to them and more chaotic maybe.

Anyone with shizophrenia or psychosis on this board. I've had a psychosis recently. maybe we can talk about it together to help eachother out with their problems?


posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 05:41 AM
Avoid medication, it's only affecting 20% effectively (as far as stopping undesired symptoms without too many side-effects). This is according to a poll taken by non-biased groups. Of course, those well established in treatment don't want this known. If you listen to their treatments, though, they don't ask "has it stopped", but rather "how are they now".

In my opinion, a psychosis is best controlled with recognizing it is a temporary state. One that will pass. During these events, get to a safe place where you can just try to relax, and be prepared for such an event. Maybe make yourself a list of things you can do/say to yourself that you can refer to during a psychotic episode (as I'm told it's called).

If you feel medication is the best route, seek the advice of a MEDICAL doctor. They can prescribe PRNs that well-manage these things.

AND as always, read the inserts. These medications are intended for short-term use, with the minimal dose being highly advised. (Don't buy into the buy into me syndrome).

[Edit to throw in disclaimer]
I am not a doctor, nor pretend to be one. You may feel free to discard my advice, or manipulate it to suit your needs.
Get many references, and ask questions: It is your life, after all.

[edit on 9/3/2006 by bothered]

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by bothered

In my opinion, a psychosis is best controlled with recognizing it is a temporary state. One that will pass. During these events, get to a safe place where you can just try to relax, and be prepared for such an event. Maybe make yourself a list of things you can do/say to yourself that you can refer to during a psychotic episode (as I'm told it's called).

[edit on 9/3/2006 by bothered]

Yes, this is also how I thought it is, a passing phase, a certain clearing of blockades, a becoming conscious of-period. After it you have a certain awareness that raised. A certain cleansing. That's why I don't accept it as an illness.

I'd want to stop the medication, but doctor says.... stupid doctors. Later we suffer side-effects of the medication. Bad idea. I've been given Risperidone 2mg, in the morning and at evening time, after diner. They watch me as I take it, so I can't really put them aside. I hate medication, been put in a cell and given a shot of something because I didn't want to take them.

I'll tell them I'm better now so maybe she will stop the medication.

I'm in an institution now, all the rest I can get. Stopped the wacky tabacy and experiencing mental growth. When I smoke I do get worse symptoms of hallucinations. It's hard to function in this society with psychosis. It starts an own way of life for me. People are different, as I expierence myself different and this way too others. Mostly a lot of 'm irritate me cause of unawareness.

Due to my financial problems it's difficult to live on my own, that's my only problem for now, starting a home on my own and getting a decent job to raise money. Once this has come, worries will fall down and a new life for me can be started. That's my only wish, a life on my own. Dependant of my own. We'll see how things come to pass.

thanks for your intake in this thread.

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 07:29 AM
As far as the doctors go, most can request a different one (this may vary due to personal circumstance(s)).

You seem coherent to me, and I would request a court reviewed testing. This is a right of anyone. It might take some time, but just indicate, if you feel you're ready, that you want to take a psychological battery under the discretion of a court system. I think these batteries are fun, I've passed two myself, although this tends to indicate "true stance" as to my conditioned response(s).

I take them on the I-net all the time when I get to feeling the "He's crazy!" syndrome, and they tend to eliminate that: "I see things you don't" and "Take my word for it".

posted on Sep, 7 2006 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by etherical waterwave

Hi, anyone here on this forum with any of these disabilities?

Is disability the right word?

hallucinations, things seen by the mind, so intense sometimes it might be like it is in the real world. then again, for a person himself his mind is his real world, and when these projections are forced outside his total perception of the outer world can change?

delusions, seeing (see upper alinea), hearing, smelling things others don't, might be a part of a proces of clearing traumas, or just the cleansing of the self, while things are experienced over blockades are healed.

all this in a psychosis, while I understand psychosis as an inner travel to all the realms one can go to, in the western world psychosis is seen as an illness. While in other cultures psychosis and shizophrene people are worshipped and seen as travelers of other realms.

Witches, shamans have had psychosis or schizophrenia. I think medication does not work much, at least not with the root of the problem, like the voices heard and such, medication doesn't help with that. Contrary, I rather see the auditive things as clairaudiance, and the visuals as clairvoyance. Might truly be these things happen when not wanted by the person, but when under control one can be a good medium of some sort.

These are just the paranormal facts coming trough in mankind. Symptoms of a new age, although these symptoms have been around for years, maybe more people will be vulnerable to them and more chaotic maybe.

Anyone with shizophrenia or psychosis on this board. I've had a psychosis recently. maybe we can talk about it together to help eachother out with their problems?

I have paranoid schizoeffective disorder which is bi polar and schizophrenia mixed and I have been to insanity and back. I have had auditory, visual, ofactory and tacticle hallucinations going on all at once. I also had severe delusions (strange illogical beliefs).

Just because someone hears and see things doesnt mean thier real. Just like someone with alzhiemers can forget everything they know a broken mind can cause hallucinations.

Looking back on my psychosis (loss of reality) it felt as though my imagination had crossed the line became reality. I had been through some severe psycological truama in my life and all the hate and negativity turned inward and manifested itself in the form of hallucinations. I thought the whole world was out to get me. All the self blame for things people had done to me caused my mind turn agiast itself limited by my own imagination.

Everymind is genicaly different look at right minded people vrs leftminded poeple. Some minds are better equiped then others to handle stress and truama. The mind has mechanisms built in that can be triggerd by either enviormental infuences biological influences physical harm and sometimes for no reason at all other then genetic predisposition.

I've been on medication for 8 years I no longer have hallucinations or delusions. I've done alot of research and looking inward as to the causes of my illness and I've gained great insight as to why my mind does the things it does.

There are many forms and causes for schizophrenia this is just my case. If you have hallucinations ie seeing and hearing things that nobody else does they are not real and you should seek profesional treatment.

Any culture that worships schizophrenics is either uneducated over religous or both. I know from my own experiances that hallucinations are just that.

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 03:34 AM
I'd highly recommend a second opinioin. Most with a paranoia-complex won't admit it. Scrounge up the money for a psych. battery (~$300) and get a private opinion. Ask a local clinic or hospital to recommend a good Psychologist that does nothing but evaluations.

If you do in fact suffer from "false beliefs", writing down some of the smaller ones then confronting the issue can help. For example, if you believe there's a camera in the ceiling, make notes as to why you believe this, then check. Often it's not the case that anything is there.

As to "false beliefs" in general, these "doctors" that treat illness leave much to be desired in the way of actual care. It's proven Scientific/Medical/Common Sense fact most with relational problems just need someone to talk to. Mostly these days, though, your a walking billboard for the "brand" of treatment that your "doctor" happens to own stock in.

posted on Sep, 10 2006 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by bothered
I'd highly recommend a second opinioin. Most with a paranoia-complex won't admit it. Scrounge up the money for a psych. battery (~$300) and get a private opinion. Ask a local clinic or hospital to recommend a good Psychologist that does nothing but evaluations.

If you do in fact suffer from "false beliefs", writing down some of the smaller ones then confronting the issue can help. For example, if you believe there's a camera in the ceiling, make notes as to why you believe this, then check. Often it's not the case that anything is there.

As to "false beliefs" in general, these "doctors" that treat illness leave much to be desired in the way of actual care. It's proven Scientific/Medical/Common Sense fact most with relational problems just need someone to talk to. Mostly these days, though, your a walking billboard for the "brand" of treatment that your "doctor" happens to own stock in.
Your wronge because I know I have schizophrenia and I can admit it. I have been hospitalized twice. Each time for 3 months. My paranoia was so severe I wouldnt eat. At one point I didnt eat for 6 days because I thought someone was poisoning my food. I also went 3 days without water. I have a very good doctor through an outpatcient group at a local hospital. I know what your trying to say about schizophrenics not admiting it because most schizophrenics dont think theres anything wrong with them. They also have a very stronge relapse rate because they quit taking thier meds. Most get better from the meds then they think they'll be ok without them. I had one relapse and I dont want to go through it again. When I first started taking the medication I was extreemly paranoid but slowly over the past 8 years my psychotic symtoms have decreased to the point were thier non exsistent. But I get headaches sometimes and see things that arent there. I know I still have schiz and I have to much to lose to chance stopping my medication. I have a very high functioning level for someone with this illness because of the support of my family and how they got me treatment early. Psychosis can cause brain damage if left unrtreated. My doctor thought I was in such great shape he cut my meds in half and I started having hallucinations again. It 3 months to get them back under control. Medications for treating schizophrenia have come along way I'm living proof. Next to depression schiz is the 2nd most common mental illness in the US. Its also very treatable. Its become so treatable that with the proper funding it could be cured withing the next 20 years. I also went through the whole writing down thing you mentioned. It dont work I had no logic. When I came down with this illness and was paraniod I tied my bedroom door shut because I thought my stepdad was sneeking in when I was sleeping and putting subliminal messages in my head. I had no window because I was in the basement. Even with the door tied shut I somehow thought he was getting in. I had pages and pages of thoughts I was writeing down but none of it made sence. As of now I feel good I dont hear voices anymore and I lead a normal life. The only problem I have is I get nevous in public and I dont like being in large crouds. I have a hard time following conversations with more then 3 people.

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 03:39 AM
I'm not wrong. Paranoia is a state of feeling "threatened" and most don't want to "tip off" there would be attackers.
I'm glad you're one of the 20% that meds affect in a good way. Most find them intolerable at the mega-dose-for-maximum-profit level. **No insinuation, I just hate the way PhDologist take stock in their interest.

I'll throw a word of wisdom: Do not ever rely on one thing totally. There is no "magic pill" and there never will be. There are just too many variables. Talk-therapy has been proven to be the most effective, under-used strategy to combat irrational thought.

I'll confess I'm one of those that does not respond well to any type of medication, be it for mental/physical/or otherwise. I have, lets say, differences in the ways that they are expelled from the body, endocronologically speaking. These variances are more common than the Drug Industry would have the general public know, and wreak havoc on the way medicines interact with a system. Not to even begin to mention mild systemic allergic reactions often interpreted as non-compliance with prescribed treatment. Countered with by increasing dose, number of meds (great for profit, not so good for patient).

I am very pleased with the fact medications work so well for you. You are a trooper. However, as I now the mechanism of Psy. Meds, they tend to be a over-priced, buffered sedative. Nothing wrong with that till you get a little out of hand and prescribe so as to make that extra $1.12 per patient according to interest held in the company. This is in no way limited to Psychiatry, but since it is the topic.

I'll draw extreme criticism for my next remark, but I encourage anyone with any type of thought disorder (especially suicide) to seek a local Church/Self Help/___Anonymous group in order to discuss there problems. Opinions offered should include more than watching someone etch out your prescription with a pen that is emblazened with the very prescription.

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 08:55 AM
I tried the church route. When I first came down with schiz and was hearing voices I thought there had to be one of two explanations. Either some new secret technolgy or god. I figured I was being punished for something I did. So I started going to church with my grandmother and praying. That only lasted about a year. It realy didnt help so I quit going.

My mother forced me to get a job about 6 months after my last hospitalization. I worked with my stepdad at a large factory were he was a supervisor. I was still extreemly paranoid at that time. I had to learn how to comunicate with people all over again but being around other people realy helped. I learned that nobody was out to get me and I started overcomming my paranoia. Eventualy I moved on to another job with better pay and gained self independance.

The more I learned how to live with this illness the better I feel. As of now I'm an athiest. I no longer belive in the exsistance of a god. I belive that my illness is nothing more then a disorder of the brain.

I agree some people dont need medication and theirs doctors out thier that will perscribe anything just to get clientel. I've had some wack job doctors but I didnt stay with them long. Some doctors are just leaches.

I've been inbetween jobs a couple of times with no health insurance. My medication cost $300 a month or $10 a pill. My mother paid cash for my medicaion.

I dont know how long this medication will work for me its been 8 or 9 years so I'm not aticipating any problems anytime soon. I'm just worried about long term side affects.

You mentioned mega doses of meds. When I was hospitalized I wouldnt take my meds so they game me a injection of haldol. I was a zombie for 2 months. I slept 23 hours a day for 2 months. When I got out I quit all medications. I started getting paranoid so I found new doctor. When I found one he perscribed a low dose of another med. That low dose kept me funtional but I still had severe paranoia and delusions. I didnt want to take anymore meds but the one. On the low dose slowly over time the paranoia has diminished.

When I came down with this illness no one in my family ever thought I'd be able to function in society. My mother was told by one doctor I would have to be hospitalized for life.

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 11:22 AM
It's great you can share your story. Don't be impressed by the wacked out doctors you say you will need life time treatment. Most other civilized countries recognize in more than three fourths cases, there is a passing of the illness.

I hope you do well, and try and remember that there is always hope. Even the most malignant of any type of disease can reverse, and in a battle of the mind, you have more control than society as a whole would like anyone to believe.

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 01:38 PM

These are just the paranormal facts coming trough in mankind. Symptoms of a new age, although these symptoms have been around for years, maybe more people will be vulnerable to them and more chaotic maybe.

I couldn't agree more. I've been diagnosed with schizoaffective bi-polar disorders, and I've experienced all three of the main symptoms listed in the thread title.

I could never handle the conclusion that my experiences were nothing more than a chemical imbalance. It didn't account for some of the more in-depth and highly detailed delusions and storylines I've been through.

I think the main reason it's been pathologized so much is due to the overwhelming surge of recent cases in our country - there simply isn't time to give attention to the finer arts of psychotherapy when your case file is overloaded.

It's easier to shrug it off witha quick and simple explanation, give a inhibitor to the creative centers of the brain, and stupify the patient into remission. Eventually, they'll adjust to the meds effects and move on with life.

I'm one of the lucky ones who has been able to move through the rough spots with a minimal of psychoactive pill popping.

Up for discussion in room or U2U, whichever you feel most comfortable with.

[edit on 11-9-2006 by GENERAL EYES]

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 09:28 AM
I didn't read all of it yet.

I read about the thought that someone was poisoning your food.

I mean, let us say, my theory, is that we 'read' what is going on on this world, like the thought, we attract a thought, the thing, that makes us think someone is poisoning our food. It doesn't have to be the food you eat, but let us say someone else in this wordl has poisoned someone's food, and you 'see' it, because our mind is clairvoyant, you say 'someone poisoned food' and you are scared to that thought, and let us say you overreact, and really starting sensing that mood. I just mean much of us gain clairvoyancy, so we sense things going in, that is like someone poisoning our foods with I don't know what but it could mean anything?.

The higher thought behind it is someone poisoned a food, I guess at an and one could sense who it was and describe how he looks like and were he might live, this can all be done, clairvoiancy, -remote 'viewing'-..

Let's take another example, someone want's to attack you, in our subconscious much have had temptations to attack or to kill someone. Readers and 'see-ers' sense that and can become, like when tons of those feelings strike you, or from the attacker or the one attacked one can become destroyfull, killfull, or vere terrified. I'd say that is the key about keeping clean thoughts, the vibe you drag around with you and thus creating a 'mood' in an area.

Walls tend to have conscsiousness, it's a storage of thought-patterns. that's why houses can be heald and stuff. I'll keep it to this now. getting of topic

[edit on 13-9-2006 by etherical waterwave]

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 12:32 PM
When I thought somone was poisening my food thier was nothing clairvoyant about it. I was mentaly ill paranoid and had no sence of reality. I tought the reason I was loosing my mind was someone was putting hallucinagenic drugs in my food. I thought every singel person on this planet was out to harm me. The voices told me that the doctors in the hospital were putting drugs in my food so they could lock me in a padded cell forever.

I thought the voices and what they were saying was real. At one point in the hospital I had gone 3 or 4 days without water. My lips were cracking and bleeding because I wouldnt drink anything. Finaly I went up to a water fountain with a cup there was a nusre standing right next to it. I got a cup of water right in front of the nurse and asked her to test it so I would know it wasnt being poisined. She said no she couldnt do that so I drank it anyways. The voices then told me it was poisined. I went to the bathroom and stuck my finger down my throat a through it up.

Someone heard me puking and because I was oraly taking meds they decied to give me a injection of haldol. It was enough antipsychotic medication to drug an elephant. I slept 23 hours a day for 2 months. The doctors told me the only way they'd let me out is if I start eating. I weigh 200lbs now back then when I was sick I was down to 130lbs.

Everthing I experianced when I was ill revolved around the voices. My mind would turn everything the voices said into a consperacy relevent to what I experiancing at that moment. Everything that happend around me was a consperacy.

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