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Originally posted by bothered
In my opinion, a psychosis is best controlled with recognizing it is a temporary state. One that will pass. During these events, get to a safe place where you can just try to relax, and be prepared for such an event. Maybe make yourself a list of things you can do/say to yourself that you can refer to during a psychotic episode (as I'm told it's called).
[edit on 9/3/2006 by bothered]
I have paranoid schizoeffective disorder which is bi polar and schizophrenia mixed and I have been to insanity and back. I have had auditory, visual, ofactory and tacticle hallucinations going on all at once. I also had severe delusions (strange illogical beliefs).
Originally posted by etherical waterwave
Hi, anyone here on this forum with any of these disabilities?
Is disability the right word?
hallucinations, things seen by the mind, so intense sometimes it might be like it is in the real world. then again, for a person himself his mind is his real world, and when these projections are forced outside his total perception of the outer world can change?
delusions, seeing (see upper alinea), hearing, smelling things others don't, might be a part of a proces of clearing traumas, or just the cleansing of the self, while things are experienced over blockades are healed.
all this in a psychosis, while I understand psychosis as an inner travel to all the realms one can go to, in the western world psychosis is seen as an illness. While in other cultures psychosis and shizophrene people are worshipped and seen as travelers of other realms.
Witches, shamans have had psychosis or schizophrenia. I think medication does not work much, at least not with the root of the problem, like the voices heard and such, medication doesn't help with that. Contrary, I rather see the auditive things as clairaudiance, and the visuals as clairvoyance. Might truly be these things happen when not wanted by the person, but when under control one can be a good medium of some sort.
These are just the paranormal facts coming trough in mankind. Symptoms of a new age, although these symptoms have been around for years, maybe more people will be vulnerable to them and more chaotic maybe.
Anyone with shizophrenia or psychosis on this board. I've had a psychosis recently. maybe we can talk about it together to help eachother out with their problems?
Your wronge because I know I have schizophrenia and I can admit it. I have been hospitalized twice. Each time for 3 months. My paranoia was so severe I wouldnt eat. At one point I didnt eat for 6 days because I thought someone was poisoning my food. I also went 3 days without water. I have a very good doctor through an outpatcient group at a local hospital. I know what your trying to say about schizophrenics not admiting it because most schizophrenics dont think theres anything wrong with them. They also have a very stronge relapse rate because they quit taking thier meds. Most get better from the meds then they think they'll be ok without them. I had one relapse and I dont want to go through it again. When I first started taking the medication I was extreemly paranoid but slowly over the past 8 years my psychotic symtoms have decreased to the point were thier non exsistent. But I get headaches sometimes and see things that arent there. I know I still have schiz and I have to much to lose to chance stopping my medication. I have a very high functioning level for someone with this illness because of the support of my family and how they got me treatment early. Psychosis can cause brain damage if left unrtreated. My doctor thought I was in such great shape he cut my meds in half and I started having hallucinations again. It 3 months to get them back under control. Medications for treating schizophrenia have come along way I'm living proof. Next to depression schiz is the 2nd most common mental illness in the US. Its also very treatable. Its become so treatable that with the proper funding it could be cured withing the next 20 years. I also went through the whole writing down thing you mentioned. It dont work I had no logic. When I came down with this illness and was paraniod I tied my bedroom door shut because I thought my stepdad was sneeking in when I was sleeping and putting subliminal messages in my head. I had no window because I was in the basement. Even with the door tied shut I somehow thought he was getting in. I had pages and pages of thoughts I was writeing down but none of it made sence. As of now I feel good I dont hear voices anymore and I lead a normal life. The only problem I have is I get nevous in public and I dont like being in large crouds. I have a hard time following conversations with more then 3 people.
Originally posted by bothered
I'd highly recommend a second opinioin. Most with a paranoia-complex won't admit it. Scrounge up the money for a psych. battery (~$300) and get a private opinion. Ask a local clinic or hospital to recommend a good Psychologist that does nothing but evaluations.
If you do in fact suffer from "false beliefs", writing down some of the smaller ones then confronting the issue can help. For example, if you believe there's a camera in the ceiling, make notes as to why you believe this, then check. Often it's not the case that anything is there.
As to "false beliefs" in general, these "doctors" that treat illness leave much to be desired in the way of actual care. It's proven Scientific/Medical/Common Sense fact most with relational problems just need someone to talk to. Mostly these days, though, your a walking billboard for the "brand" of treatment that your "doctor" happens to own stock in.
These are just the paranormal facts coming trough in mankind. Symptoms of a new age, although these symptoms have been around for years, maybe more people will be vulnerable to them and more chaotic maybe.