Well, I found out (without going into much detail) that my previous comment is basically 100% wrong. Turns out things did not go as well as I thought
they had, and because of something rather stupid that I said today (nothing bad, mind you) that I seriously doubt I can even be friends with this
person now. I was told off rather strongly for trying to help with something, only to be told (in slightly less nice terms than I shall put)... well,
a lot less nice) that my help was not welcome.
So yeah, the above experience rather turned me off this person, to say the least. It is definitely time to move on to the next person, whether I meet
them tomorrow or in a month or a year. At least I learned a couple of really important lessons from all this, that I doubt I would have learned
otherwise, or at least not in such a blunt manner. I'll put down what I learned here, in order that other people don't mess up like this.
First things first. Don't let a girl's looks trick you into thinking that you like her. The reason I first went up to talk to this girl was
because she was drop-dead beautiful. As a result, I don't think I paid much attention to some of the little things that should have clued me in that
this was not going to work with her. I let my eyes do the thinking instead of my brain, and it bit me in the behind.
Second, don't rely on first impressions (or even second impressions). Find out a bit more about the person than I did. If I had done that, I would
have learned that this was only going to end badly. In this particular case, the biggest thing was that she already had a boyfriend, but there were
other personality issues that are a bit more complicated, that I can see more clearly now that things would not have worked.
Third, take things a bit (a lot?) slower than I did. I didn't take the time to figure out whether or not this might actually work, or to learn all
that much about her. If I had done that, I would not have asked her out, because even if she had agreed, we wouldn't have been very good together.
There was a lot of stuff I wished I'd known beforehand that I learned too late when I talked to her the last time, the time after I asked her out.
(no, I wasn't stupid enough to do it again, but I did something almost as bad, which shall not be discussed :p )
Fourth, pay attention to what your buddies on BTS say
Xeroxed was right when he said that he didn't think the group thing was a good idea.
(it was not) watchtherocks was right when he said confidence was important. And strangecraft was right, that I had already botched things really
badly, and hadn't even realized it, or at least not realized just how badly.
Yup, time to move on. Based on what happened, I'm not going to contact this girl unless she calls first (very unlikely). I ended up inadvertently
really offending this person, so I think it would be best to let things lie.
Hopefully I meet the next interesting girl soon. I'll definitely keep these things in mind when I do. If anything does happen, I'll be sure to let
you guys know, since I got some great advice, (if only I'd listened to half of it) in a new thread.