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Uncharted Islands

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posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 02:41 PM
Are there any uncharted islands left in the Atlantic or Pacific? If so, where would someone look?

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 01:26 AM
link, one permanently enshrouded in a fog bank? Perhaps, a big rock formation shaped like a skull?

Seriously, with radar, satellites, and all that other technology, I don't see how something as big as an island could escape detection. Although volcanic activity forms new islands all the time.

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 01:29 AM

Are there any uncharted islands left in the Atlantic or Pacific? If so, where would someone look?

Well, the only way I'd figure you could find one is to go on a decade
or longer trip sailing the ocean in areas where islands are'nt present
on maps.

Originally posted by CreeWolf
Seriously, with radar, satellites, and all that other technology, I don't see how something as big as an island could escape detection. Although volcanic activity forms new islands all the time.

While your right when it comes to larger islanmds (Like Hawaii size),
you'd be surprised how many uncharted islands may still exist.

Even though we've charted every square inch of land by satelite,
we have'nt done it as much with the ocean.

[edit on 9/3/2006 by iori_komei]

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 08:50 AM
Hmm, like in Lost, that was a big island.

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 09:31 AM
Yeah but Lost is a TV Programme

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by iori_komei
Even though we've charted every square inch of land by satelite,
we have'nt done it as much with the ocean.

Although thats true the sea bed has to be extensively mapped to determine certain countries sea borders and fishing areas. Similarly large amounts of the seabed have been sonar mapped so trawlers dont get their nets caught and for seismological studies.

I think your best bet for finding a new island is one that is brand new ie. just been formed by volcanic activity, but you'll have to be quick since the siesmologists will be there pretty quick!

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 05:51 PM
id say there are uncharted islands. nothing special about them though. even with sattelite, youd overlook something small an incignificant..i lost my spelling ability,what are you betting theres a colony of aliens on one or some dinosaurs sitting around eating leaves?

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by Hazard
Are there any uncharted islands left in the Atlantic or Pacific? If so, where would someone look?

Man no offence but you been watching my man John Lok tooo much.

posted on Sep, 9 2006 @ 06:11 PM
Most of the uncharted isles are still submerged by high tides...if that is what it is called. I remeber there being hudreds of more islands, but the submerge because of the ocean swells and such. Look for volcanic activity areas, along the ring of fire and such, the direct path that goes through the oceans and all should reveil a paththat isles are more prone to be found along.

Just what I recall from geography class and God only knows where else.

posted on Sep, 11 2006 @ 09:11 PM
If by uncharted, you mean explored with feet on the ground, I'm sure there's a few hundred out there... but if you just mean totally secret and unknown, how would we answer that?

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by Hazard
Are there any uncharted islands left in the Atlantic or Pacific? If so, where would someone look?

Yes! Try the Pacific Ring of Fire. This is a large area with numours active volcanoes. Islands are created by underwater volcanoes erupting. The Ring of Fire had new Islands popping up constantly.

If any of them are stable enough to inhabit yet, I don't know.


posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 04:47 PM

Seriously, with radar, satellites, and all that other technology, I don't see how something as big as an island could escape detection. Although volcanic activity forms new islands all the time.

Well Satellite Can Find These Islands if it knows where to look
I Mean kameras have to be pointed to direction where to shoot

ps sorry for my lousy english

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 06:53 PM
"Well Satellite Can Find These Islands if it knows where to look
I Mean kameras have to be pointed to direction where to shoot"

That direction would be "down"

"Are there any uncharted islands left in the Atlantic or Pacific? If so, where would someone look?"

Are we expected to direct you to a chart showing an uncharted island?

Excuse me. I have two weeks off. Can't abuse my coworkers. Not going to abuse the waitresses here - some are hot. That leaves you.

There is a series of spacecraft called Nimbus. Orbit the earth in standard low earth orbit, 150 miles up. Orbit 18 times a day. They have been orbiting since the mid 60s. Observe the oceans with infrared scanners optimized for water temperatures. 18 orbits a day X 40 years X multiple spacecraft = no inch of the oceans un-eyeballed.

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 09:22 PM
To the OP, there are no uncharted islands if you have access to all the charts that have been made.
If these guys don't have it then it doesn't exist.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 04:53 PM
You all miss the point, the question isn't even a question; it is a plea. Yes, there are uncharted islands out there, if there weren't you wouldn't have to ask that question.

Consider this, if you point a camera at an anthill all day long 7 days a week for 40 years, the camera will record every ant, several generations in fact. But, who is going to watch the footage.

Uncharted means outside the realm of common knowledge. So yes, there are uncharted islands out there. Keep looking.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Hey, Are there any uncharted islands left in the Atlantic or Pacific? If so, where would someone look?

In the Atlantic or Pacific?

if there was an uncharted island, and I knew where it was, I would tell you to look on XYZ123 chart...

Ham radio types mount what they call DXpeditions. DX is hamspeak for distant. DXpeditions "activate" pathetic little rocks without enough resources to support a breeding population of crabs. These rocks are listed as separate countries, for amateur radio purposes. People who have logged contacts with 362 countries and just have to have 363 countries logged contribute money to these endeavors.

Countries come close to fighting wars over these insignificant rocks. If a rock exists almost halfway between Uptight and Obnoxious, a little closer to Obnoxious, the government of Uptight can claim all the ocean in beween, and 3 or 15 or 200 miles around the rock as their fishing ground. If they claim that rock.

As good a reason as any to pick a fight with your neighhbors.

Hams get permission to mount a DXpedition to some insignificant rock from the gonernment of Hookah hookah. Get a call sign issued from said government. Do their thing. Come home. Then there is a dispute: you got permission from the wrong government. King Zoltanzogsuleimantsar of Bongbong set foot on that rock 800 years ago, so it really belongs to Bongbong.

If an uncharted rock showed up, every two bit government in the Pacific would have an excuse to pick a fight over who owned it.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:09 PM
This reminds me of LOST, it could be possible with an extreme amount of knowledge of very advanced physics. A large magnetic cloud, could conduct anonomolies and in theory could protect an island from being found, but remember a very large amount of magnetic energy would be needed. Since the technology of Quantum teleportation of photons and atoms already exists, it could in essence create a very impenetrable field, by the atoms and photons colliding to create an invisible shield, if you will. Radar would just bounce off of it and give a false reading of nothing there, Sattelites would be none the wiser.

But this must mean that if an island did exist like the one from LOST, with all of this magnetic power and Quatnum physics going for it, it would need an equal or counterpart weight, due to the strong magnetism, it would in theory generate a ridiculous amount of power that would, cause the world to collapse in on itself or it would destroy nearby continents or land, do to the sheer mass of power this one island has. For instance Antartica or the North Pole, they have a tremedous magnet power supply, that again in theory could counter act this bad side effect. Australia has huge magnetic energy in some places. It is possible, but you are getting at advanced quantum physics and advanced geology and chemistry. Its possible, but improbable.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Researcher


never had any hamradio experience , but quite a few yatchsmen engage in similar ` been there done that ` detours - just to get the entry in thier log that they set foot on "**************"

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:06 PM
I have heard of a SECRET island in what I believe was said to be Atlantic Ocean. It is beyond my knowledge of if it really exists, and if it does, who or what inhabits the island. It is deemed to be a race not known to public man as a real race, but I have heard that the presumably "Fake" race lives on the so-called island. I can not release all the known information until more is found out about the island and the species that inhabits it, but I can say this, it is a TOP SECRET Island for an unknown race/species to the human race, and is deemed by their kind as intelligent, and civilized just like any other human out there. I have found out about this uncharted, undetectable island from one who says that he goes to the island at times, and he considers himself as one of the inhabitants.

As far as I know, I have never visited this island, and as far as you COULD know, I might be wrong. Yet, I hope the island is real so I may one day visit this race and live among them as if I was one of them.

HINT: My name is ALSO Top Secret... It has parts that solve this puzzle to what kind of race MIGHT inhabit the island. That is for me to know, and all of you to find out. Good Luck fellow humans, and so long...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 10:19 PM
There are known islands that we know that we know about, there are also known unknown islands that is to say island that we know we don't know about and then there are the islands that we don't know that we don't know about

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