posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 01:43 PM
As lysergic says, you are trying to hid or run from something in your life. Godzilla prolly menas nothing, other than to show you SIZE. What I mean
is, what you are running from is big. Gigantic.
In most chase dreams (and I am going from an analysis stand point only, which, usually are very general when only one dream is discussed) they size of
what is chasing you is used to determine the size (physical or mental) of what you are running from in life.
True dream analysis can only come from analyzing a series of dreams. Say, a week or two worth of dreams. The best way to do this is to keep a dream
journal next to your bed. Every morning write down what you remember from the dreams. Patterns and/or themes will emerge.
On a single dream basis, I would have to go out on a limb and say that you have a decision to make, that you are really trying to put off. It's a
pretty big decision. A move, a new job, popping the question.... dicision of those proportions. (I am not trying to say you are going through any of
these, you may, or it may be an equivilent sized decision)
From the sound of things, you have not yet made that decision, and continue to dream this dream. The fact that you have not been caught yet, means
that you are not too late in making this decision, however, if godzilla starts getting close to nabbing you, you better make the decision quick.
If you do not feel comfortable going into details here, or need more input or possibly more indepth discussion, feel free to U2U me, or, you already
have my email so you can contact me that way.
Blessed Be