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i dont know

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posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 03:57 PM
My great grandpa was in the Mason society and he was a very nice guy i dont know what everyone has against them but i think its becuase they are very secretive and the normal human being needs to know everything that is going on around them.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by MukaMuka
My great grandpa was in the Mason society and he was a very nice guy i dont know what everyone has against them but i think its becuase they are very secretive and the normal human being needs to know everything that is going on around them.

You've got a valid point, MukaMuka. People tend to fear what they don't understand and are naturally curious when something appears to be secret. People often think, too, that if something is hidden it's because it's bad, but that isn't always the case. Many people give anonymous donations to charities (or to the underprivileged family down the street) because they WANT to do something for the satisfaction of doing it, not necessarily for the praise it might receive.

That's part of the reason so much IS secret in Masonry. It peaks curiosity and people begin asking questions. When they ask the right questions, they learn a lot about it and perhaps (if it's the sort of thing they're interested in) PRESTO, we've got a new member.

I was curious about Masonry and asked a Mason what it was all about. Next thing you know I was filling out a petition for membership, and have never once regretted it.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 07:13 PM
The thing is there is way too much mis-inforamtion spread world wide about the Masons and Imaginations run wild when it come's to conspiracies as we all know this.
Too many people with too much time on their hands, And usally it is generally people with bad atitudes talking smack about them from what they have read at these mis guided websites, you see me personally realized I have had other issues I have not dealt with so I take out my anger and frustrations on somethign that really doesn't matter to me or make any diffrence in my life I get all worked up over the mis-inforamtion and hold a grudge to an organization that does not effect my life in any way what so ever, hey im 25 and still learning and I admit my faults and learn from them.
I actually have to thank the actual masons on here for helping me understand what was actually fasle. Thanks guys
Live and learn!

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 08:51 PM
my grandfather was a mason to and let me tell you he was not easy for none of us in the family so what are the masons objectives is quite clear in my head and this is important people think about all the coincidences around their families and actions.

various techniques enable them to hide and misinform so i invite anyone to see through.

globalisation is the most incredible concept i have ever hear of. you cannot unite people from different culture and different lives, simply because it leads to conflicts. i mean it would be possible but on a few hundred years economically. just imagine on the legal point of view the extraordinary amount of work representing the "harmonisation"...

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by rougevif

my grandfather was a mason to and let me tell you he was not easy for none of us in the family so what are the masons objectives is quite clear in my head and this is important people think about all the coincidences around their families and actions.



That's a noteworthy example of run-on sentences and incoherence roguevif. Do you mind interpreting it in order that it may be properly addressed?

[edit on 2-9-2006 by Appak]

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 11:54 AM
I’m aware of the evil of globalization. But this is done through instruments like corporations and their puppet governments. Agreements such as GATT, NAFTA and MAI are not formulated by masons.

Although a case could be made that they or some of their prominent members have help spread British Colonialism in the past. They’ve also been active in politics in the past. (ie. ML mentioned support for the House of Stuarts)

I don’t believe the Masons have any NWOish-type influence today. The tools of neo-colonialism such as the IMF and the WB are not control by Masons.

Can you demonstrate how a secret cabal within the Masonic organizations could control any of its 6 million members worldwide?

Why do they need them as a front. Can’t their own foundations, (Rockefeller, Ford, etc.) make them look good? Why do they need the masons as a cover?

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 12:43 PM
most of the people you are mentioning or the organisations you metionned are run by masons (paul wolfowitz, jean claude trichet, to name a few).

the objective is simple to implement the NWO and get the best out of it. "Ordo ab Chaos"

but don t worry world has a good balance and even people like John Astor can died stupidly on the titanic.

I am looking at H.J Leyrh informations at the moment, he was one of the richest man in the US in the beginning of the eigties if not the world. so anyone.

he was the founder of Clearstream...

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by seridium
I actually have to thank the actual masons on here for helping me understand what was actually fasle. Thanks guys
Live and learn!


Thanks for posting this. I'm glad that you have taken the time to look at freemasonry carefully, and I hope that your example inspires others to do the same.

More likely though you will now be accused of being a masonic stalking-horse, that you are a mason just pretending to be an anti and now having had some sort of revelation about it.

Good luck

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by MukaMuka
My great grandpa was in the Mason society and he was a very nice guy i dont know what everyone has against them but i think its becuase they are very secretive and the normal human being needs to know everything that is going on around them.

People just slap labels on others in society its called being a scapegoat. If I were to judge someone it would be through nutrality of his character not his beleaves.

As far as Im concerned people should be allowed to beleave what ever they want in society as long as they dont hurt anyone.

Of course so many people in todays society will slap a name on something so they dont have to face their true problems. Its called ignorance.

"Hate because its easey Love because its hard"

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 03:20 PM
We should be honored to get this much attention, that means we're doing something right and we're still topical.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 07:58 PM
frankly, i am drama free.

informing the people about the masons is my duty now...;-)...specially about tropical activity.

no neet to be secretive anymore, i will do the PR job now...

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by rougevif

frankly, i am drama free.

I would guess lack of drama to be the least of your worries.

informing the people about the masons is my duty now...;-)

That bored, are you?

Does anyone pay attention? If so, who (or is it "whom")?

...specially about tropical activity.

Oh goody! A weather report!

no neet to be secretive anymore,

Boy, that's a load off my shoulders.

i will do the PR job now...

My joy knows no bounds.

[edit on 2-9-2006 by Appak]

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by rougevif
informing the people about the masons is my duty now...;-)

You need to know something about us, first, before you can really qualify for that.

posted on Sep, 3 2006 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Hobbes

Originally posted by rougevif
informing the people about the masons is my duty now...;-)

You need to know something about us, first, before you can really qualify for that.

Nah, Hobbes,

Actually *knowing* something about Freemasonry would take the fun out of it. Think how bored we'd be with 'em if they were posting truth as opposed to senseless chatter. Our responses would be reduced to


"That's right"

"I agree"

How fun would that be?

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