posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 12:26 PM
Assuming the universe is infinite, and assuming that life occurs in an only infinitesimal percentage of worlds, then even an infinitesimal percentage,
times infinity, equals an
infinite number of worlds with life.
That's always been my reasoning for assuming the universe is teaming with life. By extension, the same reasoning can be applied to
intelligent life. And hence intelligent life with culture and technology.
If your question is really about whether we on earth are being visited by alien life, then that's a whole 'nother set of reasoning.
My gut feeling, without analyzing it too hard, is that we have been visited in the past, but only occasionally; however there's been nothing going on
for the past fifty years or so. (Just my feeling -- not an argument, or even a postulation.) There's a goodly bit of
very intriguing
evidence floating around, but nothing really slam-dunk convincing. Considering the ubiquity of camcorders and digital cameras these days, coupled
with the ability to disseminate, unmolested by the authorities, one's story and/or photographic material over the Internet, I can only wonder at the
dearth of truly hard evidence.
That's just me -- and quite honestly, concerning the above paragraph, I hope I'm wrong. What a much better, much more interesting, hell, much more
entertaining world it would be if otherwise. We can only hope, and keep on looking.