posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 04:37 PM
Whether it be UFOs or ghosts or anything else extraordinary,
we ourselves are largely the sum of beliefs which are formed by experience.
To that end, I want to tell my best story in terms of the supernatural
and paranormal... the night me and my friends... well, the night we met Satan.
Okay, it's 1988, June...
New Jersey Shore...
About 10 of us, at a friend's beach house for a week of partying after
final exams of Junior Year of High School.
The town was empty (about a week before Memorial Day),
so it was just us dudes- no girls- and a bunch of beer to entertain ourselves...
Oh, and a Ouija Board.
Now, consider the scene- a bunch of bratty 17 year olds with a weak
Milwaukee's Best buzz on... 8 out of 10 of us had never used a Ouija Board.
The two of us who had (me and another guy named RP) decided to sit down
and place our hands on it.
Sure enough, it moved around, and we could hardly hear the questions
yelled out from the crowd the surrounded us because of all the joking
and heckling- alll to the effect that we were moving it ourselves and it was all BS.
Someone got logical and asked for proof- prove you are a spirit who is present
and here and real enough to the point of having access to some unknowable Truth.
Someone asked- where will be all go to college (still over a year away)...
The board spelled out college names followed by our names. Now, this was not
proof at the time- because it would naturally take a year to verify its' predictions,
but let me tell you, this spirit was right on (this is not the good part- this is but a small harbinger of what is to come)... The funny thing about
the college prediction
was that one of the best students in the group (in the 1st quintile of rankings) wanted to go to Yale and the board said he would go to U of Vermont-
and he got mad at that moment, but sure enough- he went to Vermont. Funnier still, I was in the bottom of my class rankings, and it said I would go to
an Ivy (everyone laughed, knowing my medicore grades)... once again, that was proven right a year later...
So here comes the good part...
By now, everyone is unconvinced- the college thing can't be proven one way or another, and someone asks for proof once again. Someone else asks for
the spirit
to tell us his or her name... it spells out... S-A-T-A-N...
After a pause, a few of us fearless, invincible and stupid kids laugh out loud-
sure, we say, you are the devil... ooooooohhhh, I am scared... more laughs...
But me and the guy holding the gamepiece know we aren't moving it-
by now our eyes are closed to prove it... and it goes on to answer our demand
for "proof"...
It spells for us:
"Front porch".
Well, we were all upstairs in a room. We stop the game, and we all go to the front porch. Now, it is about 3 am in a dead town on a dead night. The
house sits on a one-way street going left to right, and right across from us is, of all things,
a church.
We all get outside, and we chat a little as we wait.
We weren't waiting very long.
Suddenly, we hear a sound down the street. Then louder. Finally, we see that a car is driving very fast up the road towards us. As it approaches, we
notice three things. First, it is a jeep. Second, its' lights are off. Third, it is blasting music.
Within a second or two, it is right in front of us, and it stops. The music is Bryan Adams, and the precise part of the song is:
"I'm finding hard to believe, we're in heaven..."
The windows are tinted (on a jeep?), the music blares, and our mouths drop
in unison as the jeep sits there for about ten seconds. We are frozen.
Finally, it turns into the Church's parking lot, reverses,
and flys THE WRONG WAY back down the one way street,
with NO LICENSE PLATE, no visible driver, with lights off and the music blaring.
A long pause. We were all freaked as freaked could be.
All 10 of us slept in the same king size bed that night.
I now have 2 kids.
I can't believe they sell Ouija boards in toy stores.
My kids ain't touchin' it.