posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 08:29 AM
I've been monitoring
this infrared satellite image over the last few years
especially around hurricane season and something seems very out of place this year...
Where are the Atlantic hurricanes?
The water is certainly warm enough to accelerate hurricane activity.
The air streams and precipitation seem normal for this time of year.
Yet every time I look at that satellite loop theres not only no activity in the south east corner, there is no sign that there will ever be any
activity... it's almost like any potential weather in that huge area is being counteracted.
I once read a theory about how crop circles are formed by using a beam of high power microwave energy shot down from orbiting satellites. Considering
how crop circles have gotten bigger and more intricate right along side with computer and satellite technology becoming more advanced, I tend to give
some credibility to this theory.
Combine these two scenarios and what are the chances that the military or a big corporation is using a satellite technology to constantly quell
potential hurricane activity in the Atlantic?
Another Katrina disaster would probably kill any chances of the Bush administration launching a strike against Iran... that would be a rather large
Crop Circles - not just for drawing neat patterens wheat fields anymore!
[edit on 30-8-2006 by Nemithesis]