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MAD: How deep does the rabbit hole go.

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posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 12:59 PM
I am looking for a place to move. I live near DC. I took out map and started making a list of potentiol Nuclear targets and a zone 12 miles around each military base in my city. Around DC and Baltimore I made a 35 Mile circle. This is to represent the full amount of damage we would occur in a full scale nuclear attack.

When I got done my small RPG map. All of Maryland and DC was destroyed. Except for the Eastern Seaboard, east of the Bay Bridge.

In the Event of a nuclear attack. There is a %90 chance Russian or Chinese subs would surface near the eastern seaboard. Destroying, Washinton DC, Fort Meade, Aberdeen Proving ground, Andrews AFB< Baltimore city and many other strategic bases in about 10 minutes. Our Military would be cripled.

There is an %80 chance that counter measure would detect a preeminent strike in progress. Such as subs moving to the seaboard but there is always that remote possibility. That the US could be attacked by the CHinese or the Russians. Simply because Communism, socialism and democracy are diometrically opposed.

What point is it though to have a government if it doesnt represent the people. You could move it out west. It might be safer. Its very important that we have a government worthy of good Christian people that love God. Its important that our government be worth protecting but right now our government screws up alot and we make alot of wars. China has alot of valid issues with the US. We do alot of things wrong.

So all of this got me thinking. If there wasnt a safe place to move in Maryland than Perhaps the US and I found in places like Utah where you might think your safe. There are hundreds of underground Silos containing Nuclear Missiles in coffins. The older missiles like the Peacemaker get upgrades like new motherboards to improve their performace. Old nuclear Atlas missiles are used to launch TV satelites and improve our life. SO some of these things have potention for great evil. SOme how because people care and faith or love in God. We benfit from these creations of Mass Destruction which we perpetuate.

And so the government said. What can we do as the government to be safe. We started nerving our most powerful warheads as the peacemaker or MX missile signed into law By Ronald Reagon.

Designed to cripple the Russians and the CHinese in times of war. These missiles go off. Fly half way around the world than in outerspace the tips fly off. As they descend to earth each war head splits into ten seperate Units with a warhead capable of 300 megatons. Each falling at a target a short moment apart. So as to destory any underground facilities in Moscow or Bejing.

Okay so how do we keep these missiles safe in times of Nuclear war. The asnwer is we cant. The government found that we would have to house them either 1000 feet underground or put them on trains and park them in mountains or move them around.

So we put the MX peacemaker missiles in old Patrio 2 and 3 missile silos. They are ready to launch instantly. At a moments notice. They require no warning to launch.

Other countries have shown as the attacked Amerika and got other forces to do it. They dont care.

Mad is a failure. We as a democracy are a failure. Were a republic or a socialist republic. Theres lots of people out of work here and crime is out of control. Drugs are out of control Its almost as if someone wants these drugs and unemployment in the US. The US as it stands is a total financial falure.

We need to spend much less money on defense. We spend many times what other countries spend. Our soldiers should be treated and paid better. The defense contractors and big companies get most of the money.

We need to cut several hundred billion dollars off the defense budget to save our country. We need a real balanced budget with food and jobs for lower class people and starving nations. We need programs to get these other countries fixed up and semioperational. So other people can enjoy the benfits we enjoy here. Even if not under demorcacy.

Its not safe to live here. I wish there were more I could do to change things but you know maybe we can all work towards making things better.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 01:03 PM



posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 01:17 PM
C'mon, those are just the things governments use to terrify one another into making concessions or compromises with one another.
Think about this:
-What do governments produce?,Nothing.
-What do governments want?,Everything.
Now if one was to nuke another, the cattle who do all the work,and produce all the goods to supply it's appetite for wealth and power would be gone.The one government may lose,but there are no spoils to take after,not even land, and the fallout would spread around the whole world.
Governements which have nukes do not want others to aquire them for the same reason they would disarm their populations, If you are going to be doing #ty things to your neighbors or your citizenry, you need to make sure that retaliation can be kept to a minimum.
This (fake)"War on Terror" is just an excuse to implement a system of surveillance to watch the citizens of the US,the disarmament thing was not working so now they speak of concealed carry and other... what are seemingly slackening of gun-control laws,the opposite is the truth,They're just putting a list together with those who get permits and buy guns , using the surveillance methods they have made legal recently.
You don't have to worry about nukes,you have to worry about the cops and politicians whose lackeys they are.
America is about to be no more, as the rest of the governments of the world have always wanted.
Ya see?,free men set a bad example for those who are not, no other country has ever enjoyed the freedom that was once enjoyed by the common man in america.
The safest thing to do is put your head back up into your ass, you're about to become destitute beyond your wildest nightmares.
No offense intended, but don't make the mistake of thinking that I really care.

posted on Nov, 3 2003 @ 01:28 PM
Okay well in addition to all that #.

About 20 years ago my parents moved into the county. Its miserable now there and there are cameras everywhere. On the light poles and everywhere.

In the city here there arent cameras but how far do I have to move away to get away from all that Bull crap...

Can you imagine what would happen if a nuclear Missile hit an oil refinary...

I can. We built all those missiles with the intention of using them. Yeah we threaten other countries with them but really. Why build 50,000 10,000 or 3,000 missiles if you werent going to use a couple. Right.

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 03:57 PM
Nukes are a thing of the past.

Biowarfare is what you have to worry about, and you can't move away from that.

Best thing to do is get a lot of land in the middle of the US and farm your own food. Try to elminate all your dependencies on the Gov't, corporarte america, etc.

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 05:33 PM

valid points,

what good is defeating the enemy if you would not be able to take what he had.

not good economics frankly.

MAD is only a last resort or maybe a shot at taking the aliens out like in independence day.

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 05:39 PM
My luck has changed because I require an Rx daily, that does NOT have a natural replacement, and I cannot live without. That makes the prospect of a Red Dawn Invasion a bit harder for me to survive.

I am not planning on being a survivalist, but I am planning on being able to survive.

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 05:43 PM
Come to Canada, we're relatively safe, in comparison to the US, our crime is negligible compared to the states, we have all the freedoms Americans have, and plain and simple, it's better up here.

posted on Nov, 10 2003 @ 05:55 PM
goes all the way to the top and bottom...

if you cant stand the heat get out the kitchen, but outside the kitchen is the same degree of heat...


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