posted on Jan, 25 2008 @ 04:35 PM
I become obssessed with art mostly and I can never recall being obsessed with a muscian or any other celebrity.
I don't believe in changing my fashions to match celebrities, unless fashions change to the extent that you have no control over them.
Shoes are always going from round to square and back again. Collars go from small to large and clothes themselves shrink and enlarge according to
fashion, so that a large shirt this year may be marked as a medium next year.
The extent to which such things are affected celebrities is something I don't concern myself with.
When an artist's work comes to my attention, I might spend a good deal of time researching his work, but my feelings about such people ranges
generally from respect or admiration to annoyance and sometimes disgust, even if their work appeals to me.
An obsession with people in the public eye whom one does not know personally can be symptomatic of a mental disorder and celebrities must always be
aware of these things.
Just ask David Letterman.
For most people, such is just matter of fashion and wanting to identify with someone whose work makes them feel good.
A lot of healthy, mature people spend small fortunes on sports fashions and memorabilia, tickets and travel to games for reasons that have always
escaped me.
[edit on 2008/1/25 by GradyPhilpott]