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JFK: Single Bullet Theory Finally Laid to Rest?

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posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 02:36 PM
During the House Select Committee on Assassinations hearing, the panel called Vincent Guinn, a nuclear chemist, was asked to reanalyze the bits of bullet fragments from the murder in 1963. His conclusion:

the antimony in the fragments clearly showed they all came from two, and only two, bullets of the type used by Oswald's gun, which supports the Warren Commission's lone gunman theory.

Based on his findings, the HSCA concluded in 1979 that both bullets came from Oswald's gun.

They did not, however, rule out the possibility of a conspiracy. In fact, they strongly suspected a second shooter was present that day, but based on Guinn's data, any second shooter had missed the target.

Or maybe not.

Enter two scientists from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in California.

. Now Lawrence Livermore Laboratory scientists say a key piece of evidence supporting the lone gunman theory should be thrown out.


Grant and Livermore Lab metallurgist Erik Randich found that the chemical "fingerprints" used to identify which bullets the fragments came from are actually more like run-of-the-mill tire tracks than one-of-a-kind fingerprints.

"I've spoken with people on both sides of the conspiracy divide and there's no question but that (Randich and Grant's) work is going to be very difficult, if not outright impossible, to refute," said Gary Aguilar, a San Francisco ophthalmologist and single-bullet skeptic who has studied the Kennedy assassination for more than a decade.

My conclusion is that this new evidence supports the idea that the composition of the bullet fragments could have been from one to five bullets, defeating the "official" story that the bullet used to kill JFK absolutely came from one gun, that of Oswald.

While I found this article a bit hard to follow, I think it blows a big hole in the single bullet theory---and the government's official position regarding JFK's murder.

EDIT: :shk: forgot the link...sorry

[edit on 28-8-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 08:41 AM
Yes, indeed. From the research Ive done, there were apparently up to 13 shots fired in that clearly show bullet holes in the car and on the cement in the street.

Also, lets not forget about the "grassy knowl". Witnesses right near the "grassy knowl" ducked down because they heard shots fired right above their heads. This completely obliterated the official line that Oswald shot from the book depository.

The one bullet theory is impossible. It is a myth. For public consumption only. How can one bullet hit 2 people in 4 different places? How can one bullet shot from the book depository hit the president smack in the face when his building was behind the president? Oswald mustve been a highly skilled marksmen.

Its also funny how Oswald denied everything. He denied ever killing anyone at all, ever, right up until the very point they took him out, with Mafia man Jack Ruby. Great way to cover the evidence...

In my humble opinion, a Mind Controlled MK Ultra victim (Manchurian Candidate?) commited the assasination, because JFK was getting too defiant, and planned to expose and take down the Establishment.

"The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom and before I leave this office, I must inform the citizens of their plight."
- Statement made at Columbia University, November 12, 1963

(10 days before he was killed).

[edit on 28-8-2006 by AscendedMaster]

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 09:41 AM
good find

It is difficult to imagine one bullet making seven entry and exit wounds in two peope. Magic bullet...indeed. This theory proported first by Arlen Spector is one of the grossest lies EVER told to the American people. And almost a half century later and we still cannot get the govt to come clean about it.

BTW the tree was blooming in the path of Oswald's shot. One of the three shots never hit the target and hit the underpass ahead of the motorcade. That leaves two shots. One of course is the fatal head shot. So 1 shot left. and this one shot accounts for seven entry and exit wounds. Not to mention the altering of the parade route.. but I guess Oswald did that too. And of course he lessened security in the plaza that day. The only conspiracy that I know of that stinks more than this one is 911.

The question is: Will anything come of these findings?

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 12:53 PM
Here's a link:

By Betsy Mason

Sunday, August 20, 2006

LIVERMORE - More than four decades after his death, John F. Kennedy's assassination remains the hottest cold case in U.S. history, and the clues continue to trickle in. Now Lawrence Livermore Laboratory scientists say a key piece of evidence supporting the lone gunman theory should be thrown out.

Dr. Cyril Wecht's reaction to the news:

posted on Aug, 28 2006 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by AscendedMaster
"The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to destroy America's freedom and before I leave this office, I must inform the citizens of their plight."
- Statement made at Columbia University, November 12, 1963

(10 days before he was killed).

I went on a mission to find that speech.
As much as I would love to believe JFK actually said that, I could only find that he did NOT

If you can provide a link, it would be much appreciated.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by TONE23
good find

It is difficult to imagine one bullet making seven entry and exit wounds in two peope. Magic bullet...indeed. This theory proported first by Arlen Spector is one of the grossest lies EVER told to the American people. And almost a half century later and we still cannot get the govt to come clean about it.

I don't want to even think about the repercussions if the government 'came clean' and admitted to taking out the peoples elected leader.

I'd like to know the truth as much as the next guy, but if the government was responsible, coming out and saying it isn't going to help at this point....unless there was some sort of revolution by the people that had a positive end result, but that's going a few limbs too far.

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 03:05 PM
It makes a great deal. 'Fessing up won't bring back the dead but it will bring closure. Although, you're probably right and it will never happen.

But, you gotta wonder why this is still going on after almost 43 years

Some say it changed this country in ways we can only guess. It ended a certain innocence in this country, that is for sure.
One wonders if the turbulence of the later 60s would have been the same if the murder didn't happen.

Some others say it opened the eyes of many to the way the government covers things up. Certainly, around that time, people began to question their leaders more.

Some time after the final episode of The Men Who Killed Kennedy aired--the episode dealing with LBJ's possible involvement--a movie came out allegedly "proving" the single bullet theory. When I saw that, I knew that there are those who do NOT want the truth revealed.
(BTW, that episode is no longer available commercially)

posted on Aug, 29 2006 @ 03:13 PM
Don'tTreadonMe: If you google the quote, it comes up with some 10,000 instances so I guess you can browse them.

I remember seeing a show on the history channel once where they got some guy to do what Oswald supposedly did (shoot however many rounds in however many seconds). The guy pretty much failed completely even though he was an expert rifleman/marksman.

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