posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 01:50 AM
The twin paradox, sometimes called the "clock paradox", stems from Paul Langevin's 1911 thought experiment in special relativity: one of two twin
brothers undertakes a long space journey with a high-speed rocket at almost the speed of light, while the other twin remains on Earth. When the
traveler returns to Earth, he is younger than the twin who stayed put. Or, as first stated by Albert Einstein (1911).
So in other words, the twin who’s stationary, ages much faster than the other one who’s traveling.
Now if telepathy is real then another paradox kicks in. Telepathy is transference of thought instantaneously to any place in the universe. If you were
sitting on Alpha Centauri, we could communicate in ‘real time’. So time is not a parameter to contend with.
So now, if ‘A’ were traveling at light speed, ‘B’ who is stationary, would be ageing much faster than ‘A’ was. The flow of time for 'A'
would be much slower. But suppose they were continuously communicating telepathically with each other in real time? How could synchronization occur?
How do you resolve this paradox?