posted on Aug, 27 2006 @ 09:28 AM
There is no true energy source. If you want to think of it in that fashion, then you need to think in math.
If you add 1 to 2, where does the 1 come from? It must come from somewhere else... some other related equation.
With water power, we're taking energy away from the falling water. It slows down as it hits the turbines.
Gravity is a constant power - it's not limitless, but it does not give up any power to do what it does. When the water is stopped from falling, it
hasn't lost the power of gravity. The power of gravity keeps it where it is, prevents it from bouncing back up the dam. The power came from the water
falling, not the power of gravity. The fall is there because of the cliff/dam.
Free Energy doesn't exist. But we can get better and better sources - sources that are bountiful and nearly limitless. When we burn gas, we're
turning an ever so small amount of mass into energy. When the Atom Bomb goes off, we're getting a smidget more of the mass to turn into energy. In
fusion, it's just a parcel more. In matter and anti-matter, the exchange is complete. It's true, anti-matter and matter reactors would be amazing at
cranking out huge proportions of energy. A golf ball sized piece of anti-matter could demolish the entire city of Houston and set nearly all of its
parent state aflame.
But where would we get the anti-matter? We would need to find either naturally-occuring anti-matter, or find a way to easily turn normal matter into
anti-matter. Because as it currently stands, we need to put even more energy into making the anti-matter than we get out of it.
Even if we could easily turn normal matter into anti-matter, it would be almost, but not quite, limitless. We'd have a huge supply of energy, nearly
limitless... but it still would have its limits.
No, free energy does not exist - only energy from sources and methods far unlike anything we're used to.