posted on Aug, 26 2006 @ 03:13 AM
With all this talk of end times, CNN, Glen Beck, Aug 22nd, various websites about various religious points of view etc. I was wondering if anyone out
there remembers Herbert W. Armstrong and the World Wide Church of God & the Wonderful World Tomorrow?
I must admit that I was a member from about grade five to grade eleven. Their view of the bible & religious doctrine still haunts me that I may
have committed the unpadonable sin by turning away from the true church! It was hard going from the way of the world into strict literal observation
of biblical verse, especially when I was a kid. But alas I gave into temptation & quit the church; going the way of the world, growing my hair long,
getting tattoos, piercings, marrying a stripper, boozing & drugs, travelling in a heavy metal rock band, etc.
Anyways now that I'm older with a new honest girl for a 2nd wife & a 2 year old kid, I feel like I'm going through some kind of spiritual
crisis! I know I'm being evil & going against 90% of the bible. I also know it almost impossible to follow biblical verse literally.
Anyways I have learned some amazing things about the WWCG. The trials & tribulations they went through. Garner Ted's & Herbert's 2nd wife
soap opera. All the famous people & world leaders Herbert met. The segment on 60 minutes of CBS with Mike Wallace, the Supreme Court victories, the
re-legislation of California's law to include a loop hole for this & only this church. The closing of Ambassador College & University.
As I look back I think Herbert W. Armstrong may have been a true prophet! maybe even the return of Eliajah! If so we are all doomed!
It breaks my heart that this church has suffered so many splinter groups after Joseph W. Tkatch & son took over and changed doctrine to blend
with evangelicals after Herbert's death.
I can't believe how many followers this church had in its heyday/peak compared to now. There is a splinter group called the Reform Church of God
that copy Herbert W. Armstrongs teachings but it's not quite the same.
Here is a link to the wikapedia version! It's mind blowing what went on and sad that we'll never get to be a part of it.