posted on Aug, 25 2006 @ 03:24 PM
In a major court case regarding college admissions (Grutter v. Bollinger), the U.S. Supreme court stated that race may be used as a factor if other
factors are used in reaching a decision and doing so serves a compelling government interest.
This point was argued by Dov Hikind (NY State Assembly) in support of a law (Bill A11536) allowing racial profiling, stating that preventing terrorist
attacks: an even more compelling governmental interest" than education, making it therefore acceptable to factor race and ethnicity into what he
calls "terrorist profiling.
Could this lead to the U.S. Government saying it is OK to use race as a factor in Terrorist Profiling, perhaps even making race the pivotal factor
when determining whether someone should be ‘pulled’ for additional screening. I have to admit this worries me. Once it starts, it may be
difficult, if not impossible, to stop.