posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 06:31 PM
Some suggestions on places mentioned here from
Q: (L) Who made the Nazca lines in South America and what was their purpose?
A: Those were natives living in the area at the particular time who were highly advanced spiritually and they put those lines there to call to others
that were
coming from what they perceived to be an outer space location.
Q: (L) Were they symbols of power in any way?
A: Well, some may have perceived them as such but they were mainly an effort to call forth those who had been worshipped and had appeared to them
previously from the outside including not only the Lizard Beings, but other travelers.
Q: (L) Who built the city of Angkor Wat?
A: That was built by the Lizard Beings themselves. Built approximately 3108 years ago.
Q: (L) Who built the city of Mohenjo Daro?
A: That also was built by the Lizard Beings directly.
Q: (L) Did they live in these cities?
A: No, as stated before, they did not live there, they visited or occupied on a temporary basis, but did not live there.
Q: (L) Who did they build the cities for?
A: They built the cities for themselves and their worshippers amongst humans.
Q: We watched this television show the other night which talked about the city of Angkor Wat and its orientation to Draco 10,500 BC. You said that
Wat was built 3108 years ago by the Lizzies themselves, and that the city of Mohenjo Daro was also built by the Lizzies 3065 years ago, which is
within 30 or
40 years of the same time period. Do you still confirm that the Lizzies themselves built these cities?
A: Reptilian Beings.
Q: And they did this themselves?
A: Yes.
Q: What happened to the inhabitants of these cities?
A: Taken to another planet.
Q: Why was this city built in orientation to the constellation Draco?
A: Was not, was a record: see the texts of Kaballah for details after linkage is established.
Q: After what linkage is established.
A: Between the astronomical data and the sites.