posted on Nov, 2 2002 @ 10:22 PM
Allright, sorry. Just, as Toltec and William have said, your views bring on some very heated posts from me. And toltec, want to know about me?
Well, I work at sweet feed, go to Owens college, I worship comedians like George Carlin, Weird Al and Dennis leary, I like music before 1983 except
for Dennis Leary and Weird Al. I am easily pissed off by people like truth and his other names that say I am right, you wrong, for god talks to me
and told me so. You disagree? You will face the wrath of my god.(aka go to hell)
I can and will try to tone down a litte William, sorry. Also, truth, I don't attack when a Christian posts, I attack anyone who thinks his/her way
or the highway to hell, purgatory, Hades, Underworld, and any other word for a place where evil goes to.
Ycon, she Christian, I don't attack her. Brian maybe with his "miracle" water and so forth, but not Ycon. Just you and your names for so far they
the only ones I've seen who condem people to hell for having opinions and not being sheep, like the Bible describes.