posted on Aug, 23 2006 @ 08:01 AM
Well, you have found that place, among the few others. Depends on what in particular you are looking for. Just events in general, then it is bound to
turn up here sooner than later. And in more than one form at that. Plenty of other sites cover the stories that are mentioned and never followed up
again, to those never talked about even where they happened locally.
But to get all of everything in one place, is not easy. One is still going to have to find what works and does not. Perhaps the answer to your
questions lays more in other people than say sites. If we work together and with out too many disagreements, but buckledown and focus on a common
goal, then I'm sure there isn't any detail we could find, that which we all seek.
I hope that makes some sence, wasn't easy typing that exact thought out....
In my opinion, every thing is not getting the attention it requires or should have gotten.
Iran, bombings to abuse and murder, violence over all is being ignored. In turn it is going to happen whether we know it or not. Only difference is
does knowing about it enough?
Don't you just hate it when a question creates more questions!