How about a links section ?
devoted to sharing links divided into specific topics
so people that wish to research a topic can find a readily available source of information ..its hard sometime as search engines dont always preform
the way we wish...this could develop into a significant recource for all members ...just links to information
no commentary
make it editable for bad or defunct links
I was thinking of say a Section containing threads entitled say...
"antigravity " or "UFO Reports"..ect.. and people could post just links to share in that thread
pertaining to the "topic" not discussions of the tpopic
If you've never heard of it, it's like a bulletin board, divided into catagories if individual topics. Members can submit links to the categories,
and of course, it's moderated.
Then wouldn't it be more useful with commentary? I guess that's what ATS is for.
Actually, most threads with high validity are usually laden with links, so just try looking for a topic using the search function, and more than
likely you'll find links to what you're looking for.
just the other day someone asked about
Coral Castle i have dozens of links i have collected because thats a topic im interested in...but if they didnt post a request theyd still be
if you go to the search engines you can spend hours
trying to find what you want...
Further I think this section will raise the hit count for the site as more people begin to use it as a Primary rescource reference tool
Please also add a dedicated button to the Google ads
as my popup blocker will not allow them to appear