posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 03:18 PM
I searched on ATS to see if anyone else had posted this, and didn't see anything, so please forgive me if this repeats a post.
Apparently, an Irish technology company, Steorn, has developed a "Free Energy" machine. (Of the zero-point variety)
Their website states: "Steorn’s technology is based on the interaction of magnetic fields and allows the production of clean, free and constant
energy. The technology can be applied to virtually all devices requiring energy, from cellular phones to cars."
After failing to get government support, or respect from the established scientific community, stating "scientists either put the phone down or
refused to endorse it publicly in case they damaged their academic reputations."
So the company went public four days ago, placing a full page ad in the Economist, challenging world scientists to test their technology, and prove
them wrong. Their website states:
"Sean McCarthy, CEO of Steorn, commented: “During the years of its development, our technology has been validated by various independent scientists
and engineers. We are now seeking twelve of the most qualified and most cynical from the world’s scientific community to form an independent jury,
test the technology in independent laboratories and publish their findings."
Their website is located at:
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