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Demand for an "End of the World" Forum?

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posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 07:31 AM
Well... (overly dramatic sigh of resignation)... it's August 22nd. The world should be ending any second now. Guess I'll just get outta bed, pour myself a three fingers of Red Breast (thank God for Ireland), and watch with my wife in my arms, and my dog in my lap.

(20 minutes later)


Well, unless the crickets are going to bring about the end of civilization, I guess it means the world won't be ending today.

But you know, it got me thinking. Every other week the world is gonna end. It seems almost every day there's either a thread on how the world will end on a certain day, or how some organization is going to cause the end of the world, or World War III is about to break out, and so forth.

So now I wonder... is there enough demand to merit an "End of the World" forum? Or "End-Times" or whatever you want to call it? That way people who want to warn us about the impending cricket-chirrups of doom will have a place to make their voice heard.

Your thoughts?

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 10:51 AM
Maybe a good idea, but I can also see some big overlap. You got your "natural disaster" EOW which could fit under "Fragile Earth", the EOW from a religious perspective which would go under "Faith..." etc., the potential extraterrestrially- caused EOW for the UFO section, "Terrorist" EOW, Predictions of EOW, ....

IMHO this is a great opportunity for utilization of the tagging function. See a thread relating to end of the world, tag it as such where it will show up here-

Just my .02.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 10:51 AM
So no one has any opinion, whatsoever, either way, about an End of the World forum?

OOPS! Wow, what are the odds someone would reply at the same moment I did.

[edit on 8/22/2006 by thelibra]

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 10:52 AM
Well, no one that matters.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by yeahright
Maybe a good idea, but I can also see some big overlap. You got your "natural disaster" EOW which could fit under "Fragile Earth", the EOW from a religious perspective which would go under "Faith..." etc., the potential extraterrestrially- caused EOW for the UFO section, "Terrorist" EOW, Predictions of EOW, ....

IMHO this is a great opportunity for utilization of the tagging function. See a thread relating to end of the world, tag it as such where it will show up here-

Just my .02.

Hmmm, yeah, there's that, but there's also sometimes the predictions that don't really fall under any of the existing categories. Also, with an EoW forum, one could start a betting pool as to when the world would end, that'd be too hard to sort out after the winner was determined.

Maybe yer right, tags would be better, but that's some newfangled technology there, and I'm an old man set in my ways.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by yeahright
Well, no one that matters.

Heheh, nah, man, sorry. At the time my response went out, it showed no replies. We apparently submitted our respective replies at 10:51 exactly at the same time. Heh.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 10:58 AM
I think an end of the world section of the site would be a good addition, but yeahright is right, i guess, there's many ways the world can end and they each have a place on ATS.
Even the obscure possibilities, ie, strangelets, manmade blackholes, they have a place.

Organization woulden't hurt, though.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 11:06 AM
What's wrong with the Predictions and Prophecies forum for all those predictions of doom? Obviously it's not the place for personal predictions, but there's plenty of places those can Chit Chat.

As far as impending natural catastrophic events go, there's Fragile Earth (as yeahright mentioned.

Besides...all the hoopla about August 22 will fade by tomorrow.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by thelibra
Maybe yer right, tags would be better, but that's some newfangled technology there, and I'm an old man set in my ways.

pshhht. Dude, I got shirts older than you. Although we seem to have achieved posting synchronicity.

An End of World forum isn't a bad idea at all. I'm not pooping on it, I'm just not sure it's necessary. How 'bout a Quantum Physics forum? That seems to be controversial.

I seem to have misplaced my Clebsch Gordan coefficient calculator so my positive thinking may be adversely affected.


I know squat about qp/qm, although I was able to get in over my head on another thread about the non-existance of time.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by masqua
What's wrong with the Predictions and Prophecies forum for all those predictions of doom?

D'oh!!! I completely forgot about that one... yeah, yer right.

Originally posted by yeahright
pshhht. Dude, I got shirts older than you.

You've got shirts over 30 years old? Man, it's time to let go of them... on EBAY!!! Sell that shiznit! I bet they're worth over $100 a pop if they're still labeled and in good condition.

Originally posted by yeahright
An End of World forum isn't a bad idea at all. I'm not pooping on it, I'm just not sure it's necessary. How 'bout a Quantum Physics forum? That seems to be controversial.


Yeah, I think Masqua hit the nail on the head, I completely forgot about the P and P Forum. That makes the most sense.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 02:54 AM
Still who don't find the End of the World Topic intresting, its the end of existance, and ATS itself it would equal, It would be a nice addition, discussing different ways the world could end etc...theorys.

posted on Aug, 24 2006 @ 11:11 AM
You might be interested in this link-

Good combination of info & humor.

From the intro on the link-

Some people collect postal stamps; Exit Mundi collects scenarios of what could go wrong with the world. Sure, our planet could get hit by an asteroid. But hey, that's nothing. Did you know we could all be munched away by hungry molecules? Or that our physicists could unintentionally wipe us all out while tinkering with particles? `Oops, sorry...'

Exit Mundi isn't in it for doom preaching, but strictly for fun. It's a fascinating thought: if that &*%#-comet didn't wipe out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, we wouldn't be here pondering about apocalypses and armageddons in the first place. The dinosaurs roamed our planet millions of years longer than we did. If it wasn't for the comet, they still would.

That's why this site is a tribute to floods, quantum explosions and awfully big chunks of space rock falling out of the sky. If there's a lesson to be learnt, it should be that within every end looms the dawn of a new beginning. Sounds good, doesn't it?

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