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Fourth of July activity

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posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 03:44 AM
Hey All, has anyone else ever noticed that on the 4th of July there seems to be alot of activity in the sky? No Iam not talking about fireworks.
Iam talking about after the fireworks are over. Two years ago I was out back of my house and it was about 11:30 pm. The fire works had ended about half an hour before that. I was looking up at the big dipper and I saw this really bright, what looked like a star. Only it was moving at a fast rate. It was going from one point in the dipper to the next and then just took off out of there. I just stood there and thought well, they have to be able to see those fireworks from space so they probably wonder what the heck we are doing down here.
Thoughts anyone?

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 04:15 AM
I think people have a tendency to see more odd things on days like that because they are going to be looking in the air. You can't see a UFO without looking up, after all. Days that people expect to look up to see fireworks or some other sky show will obviously have more UFO sightings as more eyes are on the sky.

Aliens could recognize this and show up specifically on days like July 4th to promote people witnessing them.

posted on Nov, 2 2003 @ 04:34 AM
True most people dont go around looking up. I hadnt even seen the fireworks that night as they were not anywhere near my house. What prompted me to go outside was the noise. I found it very interesting....

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