posted on Aug, 19 2006 @ 10:52 PM
Anna is a CROOK, leading a council of crooked members representing crooked nations.
Just as the League of Nations collapsed partly responsible for the two world wars after it, so too will the UN collapse due to it's greed and lust
for power and control, a toothless clawless tiger if I ever saw one.
Instead of leading by example he cowers to the demands of Israel and the US, the US being the principal financial backer. It should NOT come down to
money, principles are at stake here, and the notion of a free and safe planet earth are just fantasies in the minds of the average civilian.
The UN has been lucky to last this long, but I forsee that it shall collapse in the near future with the escalating mid-east crap that is currently
brewing. Thats when we will be kicking rabbits out of their own holes as we cower for safety and protection.