The good news...
October broke all previous ATS performance records... by a long way.
October unique visitors: 270,693
October page views: 4,343,115
October bandwidth: HTML only: 80.326 gigabytes
October bandwidth: ALL: 107.126 gigabytes
Biggest day: October 23rd: 171,281 pages, 9,150 unique visitors
(The above does not factor BTS traffic, which is 140,000 page views, and 1.5 gigabytes for its first 8 days of existence.)
Our previous biggest month was September, with:
189,607 unique visitors
2,892,790 page views
69.283 gigabytes of total bandwidth
I think it's safe to say that the upgrade to the new, more powerful server in early October was a much needed upgrade, as we immediately experienced
increased traffic. During September, we repeatedly encountered the upper limits of the old server's performance capabilities.
Members can review the details at: (the logs for the new server began October 7th, the totals above
are compilations of the totals from both servers.) One note, our new chat is more popular than our previous chat application, and alone accounts for
about 5% of the increased page-views.
While sheer numbers are not always an indication of quality, in reality, we wouldn't be experiencing this rapid (and staggering to those of us trying
to keep the technology at pace) growth if the board didn't contain quality material. As such, our surveys have given an overall positive picture of
the current state of ATS, our members, and the overall quality of content. There are some areas we will address, but overall, ATS is perceived as an
excellent place to deny ignorance.
Soon, we'll post a more detailed analysis of the surveys, along with some ideas that respond to some of the comments... and we did receive an overall
excellent response for members in the text-input fields. Again, thank you everyone for participating.
If you haven't taken the surveys:
Take Survey 1
Take Survey 2
The survey results can be seen:
Survey 1 Results
Survey 2 Results
[Edited on 1-11-2003 by William]