posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 03:38 AM
This is from the UK Guardian newspaper
Is this just the usual incompetence at work? Like the illegal immigrants with the cleaning contract for the immigration department in the UK Home
Office (I'm not making this up!)
But when we are facing (and I quote) 'the greatest threat since WW2' these stories are more than a little concerning aren't they?
I mean how can they all go missing? That's enough for a small army. Certainly enough to compromise just about every location and department.
British Airways have lost between 10,000 and 20,000 items of baggage since the alert began, not to mention the 12 year old boy who got on an
international flight on Monday in the UK without either a ticket or a passport! NASA gone and lost the moon landings footage. There's a lot of
'forgetfulness' going on it seems.