So... from the topic about the irrigation circles that are near area 51, i started following the roads and found some wierd "cities" or sites. But
then read the trademark and it said 2006.
(I started looking from here, and followed the roads),-115.785084&spn=0.187048,0.43396
So it seems liek google maps have gotten updated around area 51, and some wierd new facilities and sites, with other runways on lakebeds.
Its new to me these places..
(has some runways and buildings, and roads going places, and near area 51),-116.039486&spn=0.047197,0.10849
(This place has a lot of craters around it, and some wierd buildings in the centre, looks ike a ghost town),-116.028671&spn=0.047132,0.10849
(Gate Entrance to somewhere near area 51),-116.002069&spn=0.002961,0.006781
is this new to you expert area 51 observers? if not sorry.
I havent seen these areas before, and i would always browse around.