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Social Life of Love from the Biblical Perspective.

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posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 11:05 PM

Love is a word, a life, a way of expressing desire and need. There are three types love that were used for the Greek. Philios, Eros, Agape. Philios is a love that you would have for family or mother and father. Eros is a love experienced by physical and natural desires of your self. Then there is the most important type of love, Agape, the unconditional love that is given to us to by God. God has Agape for all his creation.

The Biblical definition of love is given to us under internal and external types of love. The internal love is of natural beauty, inside a fire alive keeping alive a desire to give for love, a relationship, a love for anyone in any situation. The external aspects of love however take on a different type of meaning and application. This love is of all three types of love, and is proven the most by actions of the body. God shares both internal and external aspects of love. The external love is most seen an acknowledged. This is love is the love that is acted upon, the love that supports you meaning to life.

Reciprocal and non-reciprocal love is best described as the “need love or swap love”. The two will go hand in hand or sometimes every bit apart. The reciprocal love is love as in of giving and wanting something back. For the non-reciprocal love is love of that desires nothing in return. It is always natural to expect something in return to love, but true love is done with a heart of love and only that. God does in fact deserve and expect his due of love back. He has done everything for man and us believers. It is our duty to love God, and to praise Him in giving the glory to Him. Jesus has shown us true love, the love that is given to those who are your enemies or those who do not ever receive it. God’s ultimate goal and vision for each of us is to best be as in Christ, to follow on His footsteps and be as Him.

What is exactly Love, the real Love?
Love is best shown and given for all to see by Paul in (1 Corinthians 13) this passage gives the world a full aspect and deliverance of Love it self. Love is explained very deeply within the Bible, and other times of life it is best explained for each generation. True love is only found by a persons’ own freewill to find it. Knowing what Love might be, or how to will never show someone anything. The true and ultimate test of love is time. Love can be demonstrated just by the little things or the most extravagant, but is always and best expressed when it is from the heart. There are 5 love languages that can best demonstrate to someone love. The love we know we can show is by reading and obeying His word. This love language can be best explained best in quality time and pure respect. John tells us in the Bible that “God is Love”, God nature is pure love itself, found only in Him.

The Bible shows us that Jesus told us to the two main and most important commandments of our lives. The fist one is to “love you God” and the second was to “love your neighbor”. The love for God is a love from our hearts, of our soul. In (Matthew 22:37) Jesus tells u how to love God, and it is with to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength”. This same outline is used multiple times through out the New Testament to explain best the truth of what our love for God should be. The other and second most important command is to love others. The most popular verse known by many is told to us by Christ in (Matthew 22:39) “love your neighbor as yourself”. But most importantly and first of all is to love yourself to love your neighbor. God made two humans in that man should never be alone. So it be, there was Adam and Eve.

The love for yourself is of self truth and self assertion of being complete and worthy. Through knowing Christ and being with God this is achieved. Self love is needed and is ok, not to be taken lightly. Love is a powerful thing, and the only way to know how to express love is to be loved. The love of things of the outward appearances of the world is also taken into grave understanding. This is love can be great and also dangerous as into the love of want, and covetousness. The love for something beautiful of God is no wrong. To then we have to understand the Loves that conflict. It is mostly seen and becoming of us to do an act of love out of self-interest for the better of ourselves. The love that needs to best be used in all times is the love of Agape, the unconditional and self sacrificing love that heals all things. There is a fine line is love of accusation or punishment. In the Christian walk, there can be love help, or rebuking, to help a brother that has strayed off the path to Righteousness. It is always out of love and for the best of someone else.

The importance of Love and its pure feeling is from the character of God. The Agape love is “to be the center of Christianity”. Love is real and true throughout the world, the love is a need and want, God need and wants love just as we do, He gives us it. Love is so true and real with God; God imprinted Himself within us, in that the ability to love and to love tremendously like no other person can. True love is so wide, and high, larger than we can ever imagine. Love is and will always be the true heart and foundation of all ethics and stability of man.

Love is only a virtue of many given by God, but love is the most incredible and most important truth we as followers of Christ. It will leave us speechless, looking into Gods grace and true of what and how much He has done for us. His love is so incredible, the love to give up the throne for a cross. Love results in the most incomparable joy and endless happiness of true expressive love. God loves us through all times and trials, He always loves us and will never change. For us we have to show God and others our love through, true power, mind, and will. To express the true live of life, the life of Love.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 06:09 PM
I think this should go in a religon forum.

What is the social aspect of all this anyway?

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
What is the social aspect of all this anyway?

Love is very much a social issue and the cultural bases for the meaning of love and its expression, such as those enumerated in religious texts, are very important to understanding how and why emotion affects human interaction.

This thread is in the right forum. Perhaps others could elaborate on the social consequences of love and the influence of religion on its expression.

[edit on 2006/8/21 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 06:55 PM
But the love that the bible teach is not the physical love of a man and a woman but rather the love that people should have on the God of the bible, that is supposed to be undeniable and completely, but it also means base on faith.

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by ragster
Reciprocal and non-reciprocal love is best described as the “need love or swap love”. The two will go hand in hand or sometimes every bit apart. The reciprocal love is love as in of giving and wanting something back. For the non-reciprocal love is love of that desires nothing in return. It is always natural to expect something in return to love, but true love is done with a heart of love and only that. God does in fact deserve and expect his due of love back. He has done everything for man and us believers. It is our duty to love God, and to praise Him in giving the glory to Him. Jesus has shown us true love, the love that is given to those who are your enemies or those who do not ever receive it. God’s ultimate goal and vision for each of us is to best be as in Christ, to follow on His footsteps and be as Him.

For those who might have missed it, here is the undeniable social component of ragsters post. Religion is all about social relationships and all one need to do is to look at the teachings of the Judeo-Christian ethic as an example:

This is but one:


[36] Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
[37] Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
[38] This is the first and great commandment.
[39] And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. [emphasis mine]

[edit on 2006/8/21 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 21 2006 @ 08:28 PM
So the question should be Do you love thee neighbor?

It depends who my neighbor may be . . . people can learn to appreciate people, people learn to love other people, children, spouses, parents, siblings.

But in society we tend to tolerate people because is more acceptable.

When it comes to defining love . . . it tends to be a personal thing and the amount of love we may feel can not be measure as a whole but Rather individually depending on the needs of the individual.

[edit on 21-8-2006 by marg6043]

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 11:08 AM
This is the second religious post in the Social Issues Forum (by the same author) and if religion is going to become a social issue in PTS, I'm outta here. Not a warning or a threat, just a fact. There are a couple forums for religious discussion and these 2 threads belong there in my opinion.

If we want to discuss love or homosexuality as social issues, fine. But bringing in a bunch of religious text and talk of God and the bible makes it a subject that belongs in one of the religion forums.

Love as a social issue is a different subject entirely than love according to the bible. Especially for those of us who are not religious.

posted on Aug, 22 2006 @ 12:04 PM
Religion is a social issue, regardless of how anyone chooses to look at it. Any freshman level survey course of sociology would confirm this. Not only that, but the expression of religion in the public sector is currently one of the biggest issues of late twentieth century and early twenty-first.

Ragster has chosen to discuss the emotion of love and its expression relative to not only the bible, but also Greek philosphy. Except for egocentrism, love involves oneself and someone or something else. In fact, it can be argued that love only applies to other beings and not things, the application of the term love to one's car, for instance, being a metaphor or perhaps hyperbole.

Love is a social issue and religion, at least Christianity, teaches love, as exemplified in the words of Jesus of Nazareth quoted above. It is correct that this is not a religious forum, but to the extent that religion influences human social behavior, this topic belongs here.

Now, back to the topic at hand.

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