posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 06:56 PM
I have to wonder of just what Conan O'Brien would say about this often times bizzare website? "This just in from the hugely popular website Above
Top Secret saying that Atlantis once actually existed over in Antarctica. Yeah, and this is coming from the site that has a time traveler as their
official spokesman." All kidding aside, how the hell did those who registered after me get so many damn points anyways? It's just a big
emotions-only fest over here as far as I'm concerned and I always keep forgetting to leave my logical speculation point of view at the door. Maybe if
we took the collapse of the Soviet Union a little more seriously by not taking what we have, the rich countries that is, for granted, than maybe the
future wouldn't have to be so blurry after all!
Now how about the Nazi Olympics coming up in two years and all the rest of the hubris about the so obviously unsustainable behemoth of the last few
Communist countries left? What about the great suspicion of a now defunct Japanese economy that once seemed on the verge of conquering the world? The
oncoming onslaught of the very real global warming debacle anyone? And don't forget that 1999 of which Nostradamus said would be the beginning of a
twenty-seven year war is now in its seventh year with twenty years left to go.