posted on Aug, 20 2006 @ 05:28 PM
Urm. Well, not knowing that cruise missile, I'll make some simplifying assumptions. One, it's sub launched. So let's say it's similar in size and
payload to a TLAM-N.
Pakistan's nuclear weapons are pretty similar to second generation US weapons ala 1960 or so. They're not small. They're not light. They are
non-boost radial compression uranium weapons with solid initiators. They use very heavy tamper.
The TLAM-N nuclear warhead when last I looked was a W80 block 1. Pulling numbers right out of my butt, as best I remember, if you were to stand one on
end, it would come to your waist, and you could reach around it, it was right at 300 pounds, maybe a little less. Two big huskies could hoss one
around on a tote if you had to, four people could make off with one at a jog.
That's about all a Tomahawk can carry. You can't get anything larger in there, at least diameter wise, because it has to launch from a sub, which
sort of fixes the diameter. It can't take anything much heavier, because the launch system can't pop anything really heavy out of the tube, nor
could the stubby little wings lift it.
So I'd say it's pretty dang unlikely that an AQKhan Generation I special would fit a sub launched cruise missile. (dig dig dig) here is an old photo
I have in my photobucket to give you sort of an idea of what a W80 looks like, the block 1's don't have the tamper ring.