What all you ignorant and uneducated americans fail to realise is what is really going on outside that media controlled and lie fed bubble you call
If you actually studied history you would understand that there are far more similarities with the Bush regime than there ever was with Iran and the
The one thing that the Arabs have in common with Hitler is that they see the annihialation of jews as their ultimate goal. It ends there.
The similarities with the American Bush regime, well, lets see.........
Government funded and orchestrated attacks on major infrastructure, then blaming the enemy and a false enemy at that. Sounds alot like the Reichstag
attacks of pre-WW2 dont you think?
Building up concentration camps for future american citizens to be kept in who oppose their governments decision....gee what a coincidence, just like
the Nazis.
How about using the "false" excuse of an international terror organisation to strip the public of it's once sacred rights and freedoms then
criticizing those who are against it.........such as the Patriot Act ?
Hitler used many trains to transport his victims all over Europe to their selected camps, as is the US planning aswell.
and how about the Bush families connection with the Nazi regime, in funding them aswell as helping their scientists help the usa after the war.
George Bush allways says in his speeches that "God is on our side" or "God bless America" or the like. Well, Hitler use the slogan "Got mit
uns" meaning God is with us.
Now, I am not an arab, I am far from it and I do not support them or their tactics, but in in the same token, I do not support the Bush regime and how
the jewish lobby is influencing the USA and in turn the other western nations. They are both as bad and corrupt as each other.
and in conclusion, getting back to the topic of this thread, do not try and justify your own ideas of Arabs via some pictures of hand gestures you
have seen that many other salutes have been the same throughout history, and do not be ignorant or blinded by your stubborness of the facts that all
point to the USA and the Bush regime being expotentially more of a NAZI state than any arab ever was.
study the facts and the answers shall come to you.