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9, 11, and 2 (II) - it's all connected!!

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posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 04:05 PM
You know, it's been a long time coming, but now I can honestly see.
I've secretly been working on my own theory with the number 11 too!

The famous Phil Silvers was born on May 11th, 1911. He was from NYC, and his father was one of the workers on the early NY skyscrapers, so they obviously would have had an easy connection to the future builders (Larry Silverstein, a Jew), making it even easier to get the detailed floor plans and sell them to the people who set off explosives on 9/11.
Silvers was half Russian and half Jew (2 parts) and get this - 11 days after his birth, Anatol Rapoport was born! What a coincidence!

Anatol Rapoport FLEW PLANES FOR THE AIR FORCE in World War "II" (which is stated “two” but looks like an 11). He later became a master psychologist who developed cybernetics, i.e. mind control! On September 11th, 1980 he was recognized for his contribution to world peace through nuclear conflict restraint by his game theoretic models of psychological conflict resolution. More mind control! Worse, there were two towers on 9/11, and using the number 2 you can multiply the day 11 (Silver's birthdate in May 1911) to get the day of the month Rapoport was born on (May 22, 1911), all while remaining 11 days later! Freaky!

Currently, the Russians obviously want to take down the USA, so that would justify any support for 9/11 by Rapoport all while handing it off these methods to others in high powers. Want a perfect example? Who knows, maybe the red scare was more than just weeding out Russian communists, maybe it was to find people involved with this Russian, to stop early planning for 9/11! That would show that 9/11 was 50+ years in the making, which is why it was nearly perfect! And World War "II" which Rapoport flew in all happened in the 40's, after all. Want a more recent example of his mind control theories at work with people in power? On May 11th, 2001 (!!!) the city government in NYC practiced a simulated biological terrorist attack, probably to see how freaked out the public would become in the simulated 'bubonic plague' outbreak. There's that 'cybernetics-game theory-mind control' in action, all crafted by Rapoport!

The NYC local government even released a statement EXACTLY ONE MONTH LATER on June 11th, 2001 stating, “Operation RED Ex provided a proving ground and a great readiness training exercise for the many challenges the city routinely faces, such as weather events, heat emergencies, building collapses, fires, and public safety and health issues.” Holy cow! Why would they say building collapses if they weren't planning it??!

Silvers and Rapaport, the two mysterious '11' babies, probably swapped floor plans and theories of mind control! One could argue that Silvers never had the floor plans, but Silvers was Jewish, and his dad built skyscrapers in lower Manhattan! So again bingo, there's your connection to the Jewish Larry Silverstein! And guess what?? Silverstein's first building project was on 11 West 22nd Street, and later built another on 11 West 42nd Street!! Why would Silverstein want his own buildings destroyed? Looks like he didn’t but the US Government would make sure the US judges would force insurance companies to pay him back! Yup! Here's proof that even the federal justice system knows what's going on! On December 6th, 2004, judges told his property insurance company to give Silverstein an additional $1.1 billion for the 9/11 attacks destroying his 2 buildings, and their reason? The judges said, because "planes hit 2 times", after Flight 11 was destroyed first! 11 and 2 again! It's like a code system or signal to each other or something, 2 comes before 11 or 2 x 11! And 9 is just 2 digits away from 11! There’s another pointer to 9/11!!

SEPTEMBER = 9 characters!
NINE ELEVEN = 11 characters (including the space as a character)!
TOWERS HIT = 2 destroyed!

Mind control!

posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 06:49 PM

Here some interesting numerics too , makes you wonder :O

This from a guys post about the Final in World Cup 2006 FIFA, France Italy,
Shakira was doing some song there:

Why Shakira? Well the final was a BAPHOMET message to the world that WW3 has started. And where are Shakira's roots? Where does her famous belly dancing come from?
From LEBANON. She is from Lebanese descent. Her full name is Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll.
So it all starts with LEBANON.

But now turn to some of the "very strange" lyrics in the song that she performed. My hips dont lie.
"So be wise and keep on reading the signs on my body".
This is referring to the tattoos on Materazzi's arms. as shown above.

Another line.
"And I am starting to feel it right, all the attraction, the tension".
The tension of the biggest audience in the world.

Next line.
"Oh boy, I can see your body moving, half animal,half man".
HALF ANIMAL,HALF MAN, who is she referring to? Baphomet and Zidane!!

Some other strange lines
"I dont really know what I am doing, but U seem to have a plan, my will and self restraint have come to fail now...".

Shakira was performing in completely red colors and her co-performer was a black man.
So, again, just as the referee ( Satan) in RED and BLACK colors. The black guy was also dressed in red.

And especially for the world cup they added some new lines, like "Eleven in the field with the heart of a GLADIATOR" referring to ROME.
And we all know where the world cup ended. With celebrations at the CIRUS MAXIMUS.

And two day later ISRAEL invaded LEBANON...

from the angle they took that photo it makes the stars on her arm look like a reversed pentagram

A star is missing??

[edit on 12-8-2006 by zren]

[edit on 12-8-2006 by zren]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 09:03 AM
"American Airlines Flight 11, carrying 81 passengers and 11 crew"
"United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston to Los Angeles, with 56 passengers and nine crew members on board, crashed.."
"American Flight 77 took off ... carrying 58 passengers and six crew members"
"United Flight 93 crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, with 38 passengers and seven crew aboard."

Source CNN

If you add up the passenger and crew counts you usually end up with 11 or 9, odd.

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:18 AM
11/09/2001 WTC
12/10/2002 Bali
12/05/2003 Riyadh Saudi-Arabia
11/03/2004 Madrid
09/09/2004 Jakarta embassy
07/07/2005 1st London Bombings Video: David Shayler 7/7
21/07/2005 2nd London Bombings
09/11/2005 Amman bombings

Just adding this as reference..

[edit on 13-8-2006 by zren]

[edit on 13-8-2006 by zren]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by zren


11/09/2001 WTC
12/10/2002 Bali
12/05/2003 Riyadh Saudi-Arabia
11/03/2004 Madrid
09/09/2004 Jakarta embassy
07/07/2005 1st London Bombings Video: David Shayler 7/7
21/07/2005 2nd London Bombings
09/11/2005 Amman bombings

Just adding this as reference..

I noticed that you used the european date system. I translated these dates into the american system, for ease of cross reference.


05/12/2003Riyadh Saudi-Arabia
09/09/2004 Jakarta embassy
07/07/2005 1st London Bombings Video: David Shayler 7/7
07/21/20052nd London Bombings
11/09/2005Amman bombings

[edit on 13-8-2006 by In nothing we trust]

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 06:42 PM
So what do you think of the actual connections I found?

posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 07:02 PM
Interesting play on numbers,a lthough I believe that is purely coincidental.

[edit on 13-8-2006 by alpha_omega]

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 08:07 PM
There has to be someone who thinks this carries legitimacy!

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 08:49 PM
The number 9 represents the end of a cycle. 1 represents the beginning of a cycle. 9, then would represent the end so 11 (as two ones) could represent a second beginning.

Also 11 is considered divine. It is one of the 2 master numbers which are the only ones not added together to make a single digit. 22 is the other master number.

39, I understand is a very useful number to the ones who like to play with the numerical systems. As is 33. 3x3 is also 9. 3 -11's are also 33.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 01:32 AM
This is at best mildly amusing!

This sounds like some spin-off to the South Park episode where Cartman presents his 9/11 theory. This has nothing to do with 9/11 truth.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 02:39 AM
There has been a bit of discussion on number significance in terms of 9/11.

Some good points raised. I don't know how much support you'll get here mate. To be honest, inside job or not, I doubt numbers would be a player in the equation.

And your post also reminded me of Cartman in South Park

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 05:52 AM
I have a few points and questions on this one.

Now I'm no mathematician but as I understand it maths, numbers and their associated sequences are used all day every day to help us with anything from adding up the shopping bill to help us build complicated structures.

My point is maths is a bit like physics and other sciences in that the numbers have to follow set rules and patterns for the correct answer to be given and if you have a pattern or sequence of numbers then these will have followed this pattern i.e.;

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 etc.

Probably an over simple example but what I'm getting at is there is a clear pattern and we all know that the next number would be 55.

So, if these thories surrounding number patterns are to be believed then there must be some way of predicting with a certain degree of accuracy when the next 'incident' will occur. Until then I think number theories are nothing more than a coincidence. Returning after an event and saying its all connected because.......... is a bit like writing a scientific paper then writing the hypothesis afterwards and saying; look must be right because my hypothesis fits.

Just another point. What on earth has Phil Silvers got to do with 911

I've read an awful lot on the subject over the last few months and not once heard Phil Silvers mentioned before.

This is like saying; Joe blogs down the road, his dad helped build the london underground and guess when his birthday was it was on the 7th July 1945!
This must mean he is connected to the London bombings.

Would appreciate if the OP could explain this one.


posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 05:55 AM
Good point. I think for these number predictions to be given some credit they will need to be provided before an attack.

It's much easier to make up a pattern and attempt to link it to an event after it's happened then predict a future attack based on a number system.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 10:21 AM
number 9 yesod the foundation on the tree of life

number 11 martyrdom and creation of a new world in gods image(whose god)
In the uk all builders have to sign in through a health and safety ruling.Who allowed the explosives experts in.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 10:58 AM
Game theory has nothing to do with either cybernetics or mind control - look it up. As to the rest of doesn't make any sense at all, but is at least a bit original.

What has Phil Silvers got to do with it? His dad worked on construction sites in New York - so what? I think a few other Jews might have done as well. Don't you think Larry Silverstein might have had access to the floor plans without getting them off Phil Silvers, what with him being the owner of the buildings and Phil Silvers being a dead comedian?

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