posted on Aug, 12 2006 @ 08:23 PM
NASA and the Government are drone societies serving one purpose?
60-70 - 80 years of concerted efforts to wipe the truth clean?
Research? Do tell. Buy my book, video, or DVD kinda research ala Dr. Greer or other career UFO ologists? There is FAR more interest and more
importantly money in promoting extra terristrial life than saying there isn't any.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with believing. That is ones choice and individualu defendable. However - Distortion of, or altering of official
statements, facts, events, photos, and images to forward that belief is patently wrong and flys in the face of real research. Concrete Conclusive
results or evidence garnered from Research is what has been missing to make any claim definative.
If there really is an interest in Research - Until there is concrete definative evidence, there is still research to be done and allot to prove.
[edit on 12-8-2006 by nullster]