My pc crashes when I close the activity moniter.
What files would I need to replace inorder to unistall it without causing my comp to crash every 20 seconds once its gone?
But I would recommend using BlackIce or Zone Alarm for your firewall needs. I have tried so many other firewall programs and have found these to be
the best in my oppinion.
With BlackIce (Aswel with others I expect) you can see exactly who has tried to gain access or port scanned you. It tells you the IP address and the
DNS. So you can get back at them Lol no seriously... They are really good programs.
I use Norton Firewall 2002. For some reason, it decided not to work all of a sudden. I made no changed to the registry on my own, it just happened.
I'm not sure what do to because it thinks I'm not logged on as the "admin" user and I can't even uninstall it either!