posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 02:17 PM
Greetings and belated welcome.
I can answer some but not all........
Moderator is sort of self-explanitory...they are "mods" which "own" our collective butts while we are here and posting at ATS.
Seriously though.....they moderate the forum and make sure everything is going as needs to....or appropriately.
They enforce ATS guidelines and are quite helpful when asked....great folks.
"Scholar" is a status or recognition for being on a "research project". One must be asked/invited to join or start a research topic. This must
go through the moderator known as "Toltec".
"Writer" and others...I have seen but have not determined how to get them but it must do with some writing 'project' or something to that
I hope this helped....peace.