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Does today's failed terror plot change your mind regarding 9/11?

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posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 08:55 AM
Sorry for bumping this thread again but it seems like the 'liquid bomb plot' (LBP) story has kind of vanished from the news as of late.

I found this interesting article in which they allude to the theory that the threat of these plots tend to be overstated.

Questions raised over some terror plot charges

But skepticism has grown about some of the initial police claims and charges, reminding some Britons of other recent instances in which police initially overstated the seriousness of purported terrorist plots, such as the arrests two years ago of eight men suspected of planning to bomb the stadium where the famed Manchester United soccer team plays. The suspects were quickly released when the case against them evaporated.

The full range of evidence in the case is not likely to become public unless there is a trial, something lawyers say could be two years away.

Which brings me back to the question: Is the government behind the attacks, are they using the attacks to further an agenda, or are they simply doing whatever they can (perhaps more than they should) in an attempt to protect us after being caught off guard on 9/11?

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 08:59 AM
And I'm going to sneak this one in here too about the unlikelyhood of using liquid bombs on those flights...
Liquid Bombers Prove...

What kind of bombs? TATP bombs, short for triacetone triperoxide. What's more, Bush and Blair told us that Muslims favor the TATP bomb, mixed on the spot with separate liquids. With that lie, both Bush and Blair foreclosed any possibility that the Muslims involved actually were guilty. With that lie, both Bush and Blair disclosed themselves for the treasonous, lying criminals that they are. Why? Glad you asked.

Ok, I'll let you guys talk for a while now...

[edit on 1-9-2006 by mecheng]

posted on Oct, 4 2006 @ 05:01 PM
And now this...

BRITAIN: The mysterious case of the disappearing 'terror’ plots

On August 10, deputy commissioner of London’s Metropolitan Police Paul Stephenson declared that a plan to “cause untold death and destruction” and “mass murder on an unimaginable scale” had been foiled with the arrest of 24 people.

However, within days the dramatic case against the detainees as told to the media by anonymous US and British government and police “sources” began to unravel. The claim that an attack was “imminent” was false. No reservations had been made or airline tickets purchased by the 10 charged with serious terrorism offences; several did not even have passports. Apparently, just one had used the internet to check flight schedules recently. There were no bombs.

The assertion that the detainees intended to destroy 10-12 aircraft was “speculative and exaggerated”, a British official admitted to the August 28 New York Times. Claims of a convoluted “Pakistani connection” between the plotters and al Qaeda have disappeared. The possibility of successfully concocting “liquid bombs” from household products in a plan’es toilet mid-air has been dismissed by chemical experts.

Its becoming more and more apparent that the airline bomb plot was simply made up. The question is "why"?

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 08:47 AM
How do you mean why?

Isn't it obvious? How many terror plots have their been in the last years? They need to remind us on a constant basis that we should be afraid for terrorist attacks. Because only in that environment of fear they are able to continue evaporating the constitution and twisting the laws to further their goal.

posted on Oct, 5 2006 @ 04:16 PM
Cheers Mecheng for pointing out this bizarre twist in the story.
Alot of "facts", stated by the worldwide media turned out to be exagerated, twisted or plain false.
Note that these clarifications, when it has become clear what actually really happened, always end up somewhere on page 23, and that's in the papers that mention it at all.
My guess: welcome to the wonderfull world of propaganda.
Goebbels would've been jealous.

edit_spelling ;(p

[edit on 5/10/2006 by mister Jones]

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by Shroomery
How do you mean why?

Isn't it obvious? How many terror plots have their been in the last years? They need to remind us on a constant basis that we should be afraid for terrorist attacks. Because only in that environment of fear they are able to continue evaporating the constitution and twisting the laws to further their goal.

You bet! It was kind of a retorical question. What I want to really know is when is the media going to start asking these kind of tough questions. When are they going to start asking "why"?

[edit on 6-10-2006 by mecheng]

posted on Oct, 6 2006 @ 04:10 PM
Hi Mecheng:

Mecheng: >> Does today's failed terror plot change your mind regarding 9/11? To the people who believe 9/11 was an inside job... If it's proven that Al Qaeda was behind today's plot to blow up numerous airliners headed for the US (and it’s looking like they are) does that change your mind at all as to who was actually behind 9/11?

No sir; not at all. The facts prove beyond all doubt that 9/11 was certainly an inside job pulled off by the Department of Defense and their DoD Contractors under the leadership of the Bush Administration. How many here believe this was caused by bearded Islamic Radicals?

1. WTC 7 Collapse >>

What causes a 47 story steel/concrete skyscraper to simply fall into its own footprint, when struck by no Jetliner or anything else? Anyone who has seen a demolition crew set charges to take down large buildings knows exactly what I am talking about.

2. Can you find any sign of Flight 77 in any of these photos?

Picture 1 >>

Look above the cars at the West Wedge wall of the Pentagon and note the second floor is still intact, before the fire causes it to fall some 45 minutes later ( ). Listen to the CNN Reporter ( ) standing on the scene just after the Missile Attack ( ). He says there is no sign of any plane anywhere near the Pentagon. The next two pictures show a lot of smoke, but where is the 100 ton Jetliner?

Picture 2 >>

This picture shows unmoved cable spools in the direct path of the mystery Jetliner, but the initial damage to the second floor is limited to the area around the round white hole. How did the Jetliner pass by the cable spools and into the building, when only six feet of distance separate the top of the spools and the second floor highlighted in red? And, where is the PLANE and 60 tons of aluminum the massive Rolls Royce Engines?

Picture 3 >>

Look at the hold filling with flames behind the cable spools. Now show us the phantom Jetliner? Are the firefighters having trouble working around any 100 ton Jet? No, because Flight 77 was never anywhere near the Pentagon.

Picture 4 >>

If the Jetliner exploded above these cable spools, then how is the black insulation still intact and not even melted? Why was so much debris ejected out of the building, instead of carried inside by 100 tons of Jetliner?

No sir. The attempt to blow up jets from England is another story entirely with no connection whatsoever to the scoundrels from our DoD and B/A who carried out the events of 9/11. They did this to enact the Patriot Act, create the Department of Homeland Insecurity and to get us into war in the Middle East with lies about "Weapons Of Mass Destruction." They fooled you once with a missile at the Pentagon and their next step will be to fool you again with another Tomahawk Missile, but this time carrying a NUKE. The best research says a ‘twin city’ target in California near the Pacific Ocean with Oakland (northeast quadrant) being the #1 optimal choice. That will lead us to Martial Law and their New World Order scam will be complete.



posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 09:40 AM
Thanks. It is looking more and more that the "Airline Bomb Plot" has little to no substance behind it and is falling apart like a deck of cards. IMO this strengthens the argument that the government was involved in what happened on 9/11.

Question: Why would the US and British governments fabricate a story about terrorists plannning to bomb numerous airliners?

Question: Why aren't we hearing more about the ABP from mass media? Why aren't they digging in to this "story" and disclosing that there was nothing behind it?

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 10:24 AM

Question: Why would the US and British governments fabricate a story about terrorists plannning to bomb numerous airliners?

Is it any coincidence that since this so called terror plot the govt has passed legislation gutting the bill of rights and making a mockery of habeas corpus? Our rights are slowly but surely being eroded and we the sheeple of the united states of america are letting it happen!

posted on Dec, 13 2006 @ 12:21 PM
Alleged Liquid Bomb Plot Credibility Crumbles

The alleged ringleader of a much vaunted plot to blow up multiple transatlantic airliners using liquid explosives has been cleared of terrorism charges and of being a member of any terrorist group, rendering August's terror scare another hyped creation of government scare mongering.

UK 'plot' terror charge dropped

A Pakistani judge has ruled there is not enough evidence to try a key suspect in an alleged airline bomb plot on terrorism charges.

So, simply by "making up" a terrorist plot, we have lost more of our freedoms. To me, this helps reinforce the concept that the government was also behind 9/11... It all fits a pattern. Scare people until they are willing to give up there freedom in the name of "security".

It's sad and I hope people wake up before it's too late.

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