This post/thread was a request from my dear friend Enyalius, to show others that visualization is infact something everyone can do/is doing. It is
basicly a few emails and I will put them all on here, so that you can get most benefit out of it. Note: I needed help because I wasn't sure if I was
doing the right thing in meditation.
Volatile: Hey Enyalius, it is Volatile from ATS. I have some trouble that I assume you could help me with.
I have never really meditated much. I had always assumed that my mind was very clean from thoughts, as I don't feel like think much. Anyway, as you
saw, I had started meditating agian. But infact, I found I had so many thoughts streaming through my mind. I am going to picture together what
actually happens when I meditate.
1. Sit down on the floor with normal crossing legs (my yoga backfired on me and I have trouble getting into any state of sitting) with back-support
from my bed - soft, but hard.
2. Close eyes, take 2-3 deep breaths to remove euforia (I think it is called) from lungs.
3. Relax.
4. Focus on nose-breathing in and out.
5. Thoughts start rushing through, and I try to just observe them, but each time I do such I know that I have interacted with the thought which I
shoulden't have.
6. Millions of thoughts going through and through, and I give up and just focus on the breath instead of observing it.
7. Thought comes to mind that correlated with the way I breath.
8. I realize that I had not been paying attention to my breath, but the thought of breathing.
This has made me very frustrated. And I want to get rid of all these thoughts, however I do not think that I will get any real help on ATS other than
techniques that I already know (observing the thought). So I thought about you, as you seem the most knowledgable about the spiritual on this forum.
Will you help me? Merely give me some techniques I could use, and some guidance. It would be deeply appreciated. Thanks for reading.
Enyalius: Good day,
I’ve had done “meditation” in similar ways. One was in relation to learning how to visualize. Perhaps the following story would give the needed
I’d just lay down on bed and think about things going on in my life. Shortly after I’d get drowsy and just lay there staring at the ceiling. I
didn’t consciously focus on what I was doing any more and just let it all happen. After doing this several times I noticed that my thoughts just
went their own way without me having to participate. I didn’t think, I didn’t give them special notice, I didn’t focus on anything. The first
few minutes you always focus on the breathing technique, but after a few minutes passed you should be doing it automatically an no longer think about
what you’re doing or give it any concentrated notice. Just as thought will flash by and images will form in your mind instead of the texts that you
thought of. Just let it all play it then.
When you’re done…then it is time to remember as much as possible. The most important thoughts that occurred will come back and those are the ones
you need to work with first before moving on to the next. Each time you work with a thought you will get rid of another barrier within yourself.
Volatile: In what way will I be working with the thought? Just thinking about the thought?
That method sounded great, and I am going to do it right away, thanks mate
One last thing: Would you mind telling me about the other kind of 'meditation' about visualization. It is not any concern to the core-subject, but I
would just like to learn abit about it, if you don't mind.
Enyalius: You’ll be working with your thoughts. While in meditation you should slowly learn to get an increase in consciously being aware of
everything occurring outside and within yourself. Once you reached this stage you could start looking at where thoughts come from, how they are
formed, which personal beliefs are in play at creation and outwardly expressing that thought. By analyzing you’ll be able to learn more about
yourself and your way of thinking and find things that you might’ve put in the back of your mind or pushed away for a long time. Now it is time to
see those thoughts and passed situations and acknowledge them for being there. The next step would be to understanding them and eventually getting rid
of them or finding peace with them. Doing so you’ll slowly turn all the aspects of yourself, that you felt consciously or more importantly
unconsciously negative about and turn it into something positive.
You’ll slowly be getting rid of a lot of barriers and get to know yourself truly and accept yourself truly. This is something which can be very
confrontational and this is also why most meditations do not work properly for people. The minute it gets to confrontational most people will stop and
escape back into daily life so that they can avoid themselves. Also most meditations in daily life are so short that most people won’t even reach
those confrontational moments and start working with and at themselves. This is something I figured out while going to the 10 day retreats once in a
Once you reached the stage where you gotten rid of many obstacles you will notice that you’re more comfortable with yourself. Your ego will be less
actively present in the sense that you got rid of those “negative” aspects which causes people to lash out at one another or feel the need to
prove themselves right. You’ll be leading your ego instead of the ego leading you. Doing so you’ll be more open and receptive to the universal
energies which can flow through you unchallenged by your previous barriers. You won’t feel the need to have doubts or fears about that which
you’re doing and just do it without any reserves holding you back.
The visualization technique I used is not really meditational, but something I just did and later became aware of. I just laid on my back on my bed
thinking and because I felt tired I always drifted away to eventually fall asleep. Somewhere during these stages I would be half here and half asleep
in a lingering state of mind. No longer being consciously concentrating on what I was doing and let it all flow freely. After a while I started
snapping out, for no reason, at one point or another and noticed that my thoughts had moved to being shown as imageries to the mind. Everyone can
visualize it is just that when we focus to hard on something that we’re actually pushing ourselves further away from it. ...*Continued*...