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Explosives and Demolition Industry Explains CD Theory

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posted on Aug, 13 2006 @ 11:47 PM

thatrs the video i keep blabbing about

its frame-y for me, i dont know why hopefully its smoother for you guys but

my only question is, if the smoke is from other buildings how come you can see new smoke eminating from the building?

note: you can also hear the firefighters using the term pull

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by blatantblue
my only question is, if the smoke is from other buildings how come you can see new smoke eminating from the building?

I've already stated that I don't think ALL of that smoke is coming from WTC7. Building Seven did have SOME fire, and therefore there should have been smoke from those fires.

This building appears to have been creating much more smoke of its own:

It was right behind WTC7.

Thus, any photos showing WTC7 surrounded by smoke, should NOT be taken as an indication of extreme fires in WTC7.

Anyone that uses photos showing WTC7 surrounded by smoke to argue that WTC7 had massive infernos is ignoring both the buildings behind WTC7, and also the photographs of the fires within WTC7 itself.

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 12:38 AM
ok well i have a hard time believing the smoke from wtc5/6 is going to travel northward towards wtc 7 against a southward wind, go right up against wtc 7, then travel south only to appear as it is coming from wtc7. we can have a gentlemens disagreement.

here is a picture ive NEVER seen i thought id just share it with everyone.

[edit on 14-8-2006 by blatantblue]

posted on Aug, 15 2006 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Masisoar
I agree with you Monde, but I think there is a hint of skeptiscm when watching World Trade Center 7 fall, it didn't look like a progressive collapse but more a simultaneous support destroy collapse, and the rate it fell was astounding.

For those who have not been familiar with it, Welcomeinpeace has covered this numerous times, as have others on the issues.

That's what my explaination posted was for. It involves the mechanics of a steel-mesh structure and offers an explaination for why you see the sequential failing of the outer support mesh.

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