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Ann Coulter a liar??? No.....really?

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posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 01:43 PM
While investigating the endnotes in Coulter's latest book, Media Matters has found multiple exagerations, distortins and falsehoods in her book Godless: The Church of Liberalism

Some allegations include that Coulter

* misrepresented and distorted the statements of her sources;
* omitted information in those sources that refuted the claims in her book;
* misrepresented news coverage to allege bias;
* relied upon outdated and unreliable sources;
* and invented "facts."

Well, since no one in their right mind would read the book anyway, I don't think we have much to worry about.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
Well, since no one in their right mind would read the book anyway, I don't think we have much to worry about.

But they will buy it.

Currently NY Times #5 Hardcover Non-Fiction

Debuted #1

Maybe you should start to worry?

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 04:04 PM
millions have boiught and read it!!!I love what ann coulter stands for(the truth), and more than not of the people i have met agree with her , they just wont say it in public!!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Rasobasi420
Some allegations include that Coulter

emphasis mine

Of course there are tons of Ann haters, but still her books are top sellers. Although I haven't read Godless yet, I'm sure it's as well footnoted and researched as her other books.

The problems liberals have with her is she exposes them for what they are.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 09:31 AM

Of course there are tons of Ann haters, but still her books are top sellers. Although I haven't read Godless yet, I'm sure it's as well footnoted and researched as her other books.

The problems liberals have with her is she exposes them for what they are.

Well, the problem that THIS liberal has with her, is that she lies right through her fangs, er,teeth. She is a hate mongerer and a one-sided liberal basher and there is nothing remotely resembling professional journalism. She is venomous and blindly hates anyone she thinks is liberal. Come on folks, things are not black and white, one side is not all good and the other one evil. David Brooks (Blinded by the Right) couldn't even stand her and thought she was dangerous, as in evil.

We have a Republican president, Congress AND Senate, why is she attacking liberals? It's not as if the libs actually hold any power in this country now.

Of course, if your view of liberals is that we are godless and have sex with 12 people and a donkey every night, I can see where you might think she's right. But that is a propagandized version of liberals. If you believe their propaganda, I have a nice London bridge to sell you.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 06:42 AM
My problem isnt so much with Ann Coulter if you choose to buy into her delusions thats you choce my problem is that her critics didnt learn an important in school that is if you ignore the class clown he/she will go away.

Ann Coulter is the class clown of America and should be treated as such if so called Liberals ignored her she would fade away.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 04:40 PM
Ann Coulter is FAR from the Truth.
To feed on the BS i'm not sure how you dont make your self sick.
She's always misquoting and her storys are all over the place, the only thing she has going for her is the Strong personality and the refusal to admitt she's wrong.

Which she mostly is wrong and i think tastefully insane.

Heck she even thought CANADA assisted in Veitnam, and argued it was true, like come on!

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 10:06 AM
The same Ann who says on Canadian national television that Canada was part of the Viet Nam War? (CBC - Fith EState - 2005 as interviewed by Lyndon MacIntyre) I mean even Dual-citizen Frum is at least sorta historically accurate. Laughable - young Lady get a clue! Would you like a video clip of that???? Huh? Eh? Canada - Viet Nam war - I've got a sore on my foot older and and more intelligent...

Victor K.

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