posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 11:40 AM
Before I tell you my dream i'll give you some info... A few years ago I was extremely christian, I was 100% faithful and I had reoccuring dreams, for
about a month every night was the same dream in this dream It was after the rapture, but I stayed behind not because I couldn't go but I stayed to
help to get people on the right path. I constantly avoided police figures in the dream and had a sort of christian militia to protect me. I ran the
underground church persay. Anyways, I have long since strayed away from god and no longer seriously believe in him. I believe there are superficial
powers at work but I don't belive a word in the bible. Well I had another reoccuring dream about 3 months ago, I had the dream only for a week. In
this dream beams of lights came from the heavens I grabbed my camera to film it so I could upload it here (in the dream) anyways I went back outside
and stairs were formed. I climbed the stairs and when I reached the top I found jesus I spoke with him I asked why am I here? I don't belive in you I
dont belong here? Why am I here? I had a feeling of the greatest fear iv'e ever felt ever. I continued speaking with him then I spoke with god. He
told me that the only thing I needed to do is to avoid the serpent, then I was back on Earth, but everywhere I looked a snake was lying everywhere.
Those are just dreams i've had before, very vivid, very lucid. I've had Preminitions, nothing great but non the less preminitions where I could tell
you what is going to happen next. Now for the actual dream, this was the scariest dream i've ever had in my entire life. In the dream I was maybe 19
im 15 now. I was sitting in my house and I live in Oklahoma all of the outside was covered in ice, the distant skies were black. There was rumours of
a giant hurricane /Ice storm heading our way. Apearently no one was surviving it and it had already wiped out contienents. Not only this we were in
nuclear war, as I lay there I rember hearing boom from bombs around. Everything was destruction my family was gone I was all alone and I sat there.
With all of this appening. Its hard to describe this dream but the fear I felt was intense I was scared, it was the end. I dont know why I feel so
impacted by this dream but Im really scared that something is going to happen. The ight before I hadt his dream which was last night I was doing real
good at predicting events. I was right on target about everything, I've been pretty good at calling things but last nght I knew what was going to
happen. I knew where everyone was in my house and those who werent home I knew where they were I guessed what my brother was doing on the computer and
when watching tv I could predict the next event with ease. I don't know that any of this means anything but im worried and I was justt wondering if
anyone else had any dreams last night tat concern the apocaliptic times.