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Issa Nakhleh: the Fascist Character of the Israeli State

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posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 09:49 AM

Another Day in the Empire

Ehud Olmert’s political party, Kadima, currently leading the murderous charge in Lebanon, was forged out of Likud, and Likud out of Herut, the political party of Zeev Jabotinsky’s Revisionist Zionism, a movement at odds with socialist Zionism and taking its cues from Benito Mussolini and fascism.

“Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can negate the use of terror as a means of battle,” an article published in a Lehi underground newspaper stated in 1943. “We are quite far from moral hesitations on the national battlefield. We see before us the command of the Torah, the most moral teaching in the world: Obliterate—until destruction. We are particularly far from this sort of hesitation in regard to an enemy whose moral perversion is admitted by all…. But primarily terror is part of our political battle under present conditions and its role is large and great.”

Although the pro-Israel (and some would contend Zionist controlled) corporate media engages in nothing short of a herculean effort to portray Israel’s invasion and bombardment of Lebanon as a justified response to Hezbollah provocation, the fact is Israel is repeating what is now an established historical pattern. In a preface to Livia Rokach’s Israel’s Sacred Terrorism, Nasser H. Aruri writes:

The personal diary of Moshe Sharett [the second prime minister of Israel, 1954-1955] sheds light … by amply documenting the rationale and mechanics of Israel’s “Arab policy” in the late 1940s and the 1950s. The policy portrayed, in its most intimate particulars, is one of deliberate Israeli acts of provocation, intended to generate Arab hostility and thus to create pretexts for armed action and territorial expansion. Sharett’s records document this policy of “sacred terrorism” and expose the myths of Israel’s “security needs” and the “Arab threat” that have been treated like self-evident truths from the creation of Israel to the present, when Israeli terrorism against Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, and against Palestinians and Lebanese in South Lebanon, has reached an intolerable level. It is becoming increasingly evident that the exceptional demographic and geographic alterations in Israeli society within the present generation have been brought about, not as the accidental results of the endeavor to guard “Israel’s security” against an “Arab threat,” but by a drive for lebensraum.

In grotesque fashion, the corporate media papers over the repeat of these crimes by Olmert and the supposed “centrist” Kadima dominated government of Israel, refusing to note the obvious pattern of pathological and murderous Zionist behavior. Instead of noting or even hinting at the fascistic character of this behavior, we are told “some civilians are more innocent than others” (Dershowitz) and Hezbollah is responsible for Israel’s extermination of hundreds, possibly thousands of Lebanese civilians. “The Zionist and Israeli leaders have followed in the footsteps of the Nazis. 3,000 Zionist and Israeli political and military leaders, during a period from 1939-1989, participated as organizers, instigators and accomplices in the commission of crimes of terrorism, crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide against the Palestinians and peoples of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt,” writes Nakhleh in the preface to his online book.

So that We Understand the Roots of Israeli Terrorism.

Actually there are more ties to Fascism and Israeli/Zionist leaders then you would have imagined - which is quite frankly SCARY, since Fascists were out to elimiante Jewish population.

Yet Isrealis are doing exactly what the Nazi's have done half a century ago - and apparently you can not go among the Top Israeli Politicians, if you were not involved in at least one of the war-crimes, or masacres or crimes against humanity or genocides commited upon people of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan or Egypt.

Yep only the TOP War Criminals from Isreal get to be respected Democratic Leaders.

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[edit on 9/8/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 09:58 AM
The rules set by Irgun, Hagganah and The stern gang have never been abandoned. Its still practiced to this very day.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN
The rules set by Irgun, Hagganah and The stern gang have never been abandoned. Its still practiced to this very day.


So Israeli can not be proclaimed as a Democratic State since it is not only Fascist in its Fundamental Roots, but also a Terrorists State.

Kind of like Iran then.

The details of the crimes committed by Zionist terrorist organizations in 1948 are … verbatim reports photocopied from the War Office, Colonial Office and Foreign Office files i d Public Record Office, Kew Gardens, Surrey, the United Kingdom. Following is a summary of the types of crimes committed by Zionist terrorists in 1948:

  1. Sneak attacks on many Arab villages, resulting in the death of many men, women and children.
  2. Blowing up of bridges in different parts of the country.
  3. Blowing up of Arab houses and hotels.
  4. Firing on Arab cars and killing many Arabs.
  5. Robbery of Barclay’s Bank.
  6. Assaulting British officers walking alone.
  7. Firing into cafes and streets and cars, killing many innocent civilians.
  8. Blowing up Arab trucks and killing occupants.
  9. Attacking Arab shepherds and stealing their flocks.
  10. Throwing hand grenades into churches.
  11. Robbery of arms, ammunition, trucks, provisions and equipment from British Army depots.
  12. Throwing bombs into Arab markets, killing and injuring many men, women and children.
  13. Blowing up of trains and killing many passengers; in one incident alone, 40 Arabs were killed.

Well it all Started with TERROR-ism.

And it is not any Different Today either.

[edit on 9/8/06 by Souljah]

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[edit on 9/8/2006 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 02:59 PM
What will this mean

“Neither Jewish morality nor Jewish tradition can negate the use of terror as a means of battle,”

That Israel is ready to allowed Israelis terrorist acts?

We see before us the command of the Torah, the most moral teaching in the world: Obliterate—until destruction.

So the ancient war god is back and nothing will be left alive neither men or women and male child only virgin girls that never has met man.

That is in the bible you know during the times of conquest by the Israelis.

This Ehud Olmert is to become another martyr wanna be for the cause to join already martyr Mr. Bush to re-shape the middle east.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 05:08 PM
Interesting read, and there certainly are bad people on both sides of this conflict.

The only positive thing to come of it is that those on ATS who were scouring the internet solely for anti-American sites and articles, are seemingly devoting at least half their time looking for Israel/Zionist ones. Instead of 'America + war crimes + bastards' they have replaced 'America' with 'Israel' on the Google search page.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by 27jd
Instead of 'America + war crimes + bastards' they have replaced 'America' with 'Israel' on the Google search page.

No different than the Middle east+evil+muslin+terrorist+radical+Islamic threads.

We have plenty of those types of threads in ATS also.

So . . . Is nice to see the situation from every angle . . .

Including somas factious members of the so call Good chosen ones. . .

Interesting read indeed, I had no clue that is people with that kind of mind in Israel . . .

And I have look the internet for information like that . . .I have not looked hard enough.

Oh my. . .I am one of those, I confess.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
No different than the Middle east+evil+muslin+terrorist+radical+Islamic threads.

Fully agreed. Some can be SO painfully predictable....

So . . . Is nice to see the situation from every angle . . .

Too bad it is usually only two of them, very rarely do you see a viewpoint that is without some kind of bias one way or the other....

Interesting read indeed, I had no clue that is people with that kind of mind in Israel . . .

Why not? They are human beings, you can find people with that mindset anywhere.

Oh my. . .I am one of those, I confess.

As long as you can admit that now, lol.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by 27jd

As long as you can admit that now, lol.

You got me.

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