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Interesting stuff...

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posted on Nov, 1 2002 @ 09:33 AM
(Haven't read them all yet though)

An American Classical Liberalism

Political systems explained

posted on Sep, 6 2006 @ 10:11 PM
This is certainly interesting. This Rockwell fellow really thinks a lot! Thank you for opening my eyes to an alternative way of perceiving the President of a Nation.. amidst other things in this.. long portion of his work: Speaking of Liberty.

How do we perceive our Presidents now? Are they important? Are they crucial? Can we imagine a day without them? .. Should they be important? The title An "American Classical Liberalism" is a bit hard to read but perhaps there's no other way of combining the three words. Maybe "Liberalism for Classical Americans".

Now for some quotes:

In my daydream, the president is mostly a figurehead and a symbol, almost invisible to myself and my community. He has no public wealth at his disposal.


He cannot tax us, send our children into foreign wars, pass out welfare to the rich or the poor, appoint judges to take away our rights of self government, control a central bank that inflates the money supply and brings on the business cycle, or change the laws willy-nilly according to the special interests he likes or seeks to punish.


His job is simply to oversee a tiny government with virtually no power except to arbitrate disputes among the states, which are the primary governmental units. He is head of state, though never head of government. His position, in fact, is one of constant subordination to the office holders around him and the thousands of statesmen on the state and local level. He adheres to a strict rule of law and is always aware that anytime he transgresses by trying to expand his power, he will be impeached as a criminal. But impeachment is not likely, because the mere threat reminds him of his place. This president is also a man of outstanding character, well respected by the natural elites in society, a person whose integrity is trusted by all who know him, who represents the best of what an American is.

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