posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 10:33 AM
It is highly possible that we may have the operant Technology to use ELF and Microwaves to Kontrol people, like as they did in the Russian Centre of
Psycho-corrections in Moscow in the 1970's what with the infamous Woodpecker et al.
It is also highly possible that through interactions with the Electromagnetic False Aethers we maybe irradiated and thus dulled and numbed to the
hidden facet's of subverse Mind Control strategies.
Everyone rubbishes this arena completely, not enough is known, look at Mobile Phone's they are instant cyber tracker's and instant caracinogenic
agent's, visualise a mouse's ear that had been waved by mobile phone energies in a secretive laboratory.
Not strictly true, that we live within a beautifully orchestrated technoparadise where we we signify null effect's from the boomerang's of the
techno elite and its industrial vortex of greed and an even extremer mass capital lust for Mammon.
Entirely possible, read "In Search For The Manchurian Candidate" by John Mark's (an ex CIA agent)and "Psychic Warfare" by Martin Ebon, fiction
eschews a factional paradigm and paradox!