posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 04:29 AM
References to the missing annual trillions in the DOD and other government agencies:
[1] April 1, 1999, Washington Times, '$3,400,000,000,000 Of Taxpayers' Money Is Missing'.
[2] November 6, 2000, Insight Magazine, 'Why Is $59 Billion Missing From HUD?'
[3] September 3, 2001, Insight Magazine, 'Rumsfeld Inherits Financial Mess'.
[4] January 29, 2002, CBS News, 'The War on Waste - Defense Department Cannot Account For 25% Of Funds — $2.3 Trillion'.
[5] April 29, 2002, Insight Magazine, 'Government Fails Fiscal Fitness Test'.
[6] May 18, 2003, San Francisco Chronicle, 'Military waste under fire $1 trillion missing -- Bush plan targets Pentagon accounting'.
[7] May 22, 2003, The Guardian, 'So much for the peace dividend: Pentagon is winning the battle for a $400bn budget'.
[8] June 28, 2003, NPR's Morning Edition, Congressman Dennis Kucinich mentions the missing trillions.
[9] April 6, 2004, USA Today, 'NASA costs can't be verified, GAO report says'.
[10] March 2005, Senate Armed Services Committee, FY 2006 Defense Dept Budget (congresswoman Cynthia McKinney asks some hard questions).
It's your money. Pay more tax for the welfare and progress of the nation they say. To make the 'Great American Dream' come true!
Now you know where your hard earned dollars are going!!
Have a nice day!!
[edit on 7-8-2006 by mikesingh]