posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 03:59 AM
I hear all the talk of NWO and of course it is true. I mean if Hiltler atempted it with what resources he had. Then tell me now why couldn't a
bunch of secret behind the scenes men do the same thing. The only difference between the (NWO) and Hitler is, "Ready for this?" They have a hell
of a lot more influence, aka power and let me see a little more of something called mucho dinero. Come on the only miracle is that it has not
happened yet. Now these guys sit back and laugh. And why does the uninformed monkeys ask. Cuz if I were able to get info about when the whole thing
would go down. A actual date that we were going to the New World Order, camps and all. What would happen? #1 No one would listen. #2 No one would
believe. #3 No one would do a damn thing about it. When they do come I tell you what. Will I be a individual being escorted to a camp? No!
Because I would let my twin 45's answer for me. I am a peaceful man, college educated and relatively intelligent but if you think any man is coming
to me telling me sorry your rights are being revoked well it's Incredible Hulk Smash time. Come on Our freedoms are being cut shorter and shorter
with every shadowy house bill being passed. And no one does anything. Guess what a house bill is presented on drinking water and what happens? Oh
S*** there goes another constitutional right. I am tired of it all. That's Why my a** is getting out of this country to somewhere I might stand a
chance. The storm is coming and has been coming, Nixon proved that. I apologize i really only wanted to ask one question before I started ranting.
And it is. Does any one possibly have a time frame of when we should expect being removed from our homes for re education. Somebody must have some
guestimation based on some kind of intelligent guess.