posted on Aug, 10 2006 @ 08:17 PM
posted by TrueAmerican
Any chance Don you might consider when quoting someone not altering continuous lines of text into the same quote box?
[Edited by Don W]
May I be like Fred Sanford? He would pause a moment, then go ahead with his original plan, excusing that he had indeed given it thought. Actually,
T/A, I do that for 2 reasons. 1) I may see only a part of a statement I want to give a reply. 2) in some instances, Moderators have asked posters not
to use excess bandwidth.
It is imperative in any editing that the editor does not alter the meaning of the original material.
I am sorry you do not agree with my editing practice. I want to delete your next paragraph because I have no additional response to make. I will try
not to break apart your sentences. I will abide by any instructions on this issue given by ATS designated persons.
Anyway, I don't know how you could possibly say that no one else in the world wants anything culturally from us . . I could think of many instances
where that is just not right. So where do you get that from?
The UK recently required MacDonald’s to stop using the golden arches logo, and MacDonald’s substituted an asterisk as their new emblem. Other
countries in the EU are about to adopt fat content rules on fast foods. Singapore won’t let you chew Wrigley’s Spearmint gum in public. Most
Muslim countries complain about our music, our dress attire and other expressive art forms. I have not kept a list, but I think I speak the truth on
that topic.
If you look at Florida in 2000 you can see we cannot hold an election that even complies with our own laws. Jimmy Carter says that most of our states
electoral practices do not comply with the UN minimum standards. I trust him.
The IMF and WB seem more like instruments of control than they seem to be altruistic agencies out looking for some country in trouble to help.
I think armaments are our major export and most countries around the world have given up on war. We’re still pushing “war” as the primo solution
to most problems.