hey first i need someone to tell me a site where i can upload a 1MB audio sample so you guys can all hear it
my friend recorded this the other day on his phone whilst walking home it was in some bushes close by we have both heard foxes etc as they are fairly
commen and are both sure it isnt one any ideas?????
Why don't you just put it speaker phone and record it to a comp, then give us a link to it somehow. That's how I usually do stuff. Quick, cheap and
not-the-greatest quality.
Also, was there anything else going on when you heard these noises? was it in a dense neighborhood, was it out in the middle of no where, was the
bushes really thick? Was it close to a road or highway, close to a bunch of houses? If it was something in bushes, most likely it was a cat or dog
trying to catch a mouse or snake etc etc.