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Rumsfeld is Deranged

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posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 03:34 PM
So, the latest inane comments from heir Rumsfeld are....

Rumsfeld Claims Insurgent Violence Increases ‘In the Spring, Summer and Fall Months’

Gee, beaver, ya think?

This man has absolutely no business being anywhere near a position of leadership. He has obviously run out of lies to tell, so now he pontificates in this ridiculous manner. I swear, the lunatics are running the asylum. God help us and God help our troops who are continuing to suffer under his horrificly ignorant/arrogant "leadership."

Someone needs to tell him bad policy is bad policy any time of the year.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 03:37 PM
I guess everyone in the mid-east is just a little hot and irritable in the summer months. I would be too if people kept shooting freedom RPG's at my A/C.

feel the heat!

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 03:43 PM
Um ... Rummy .. that's almost the whole year. Just say 'the whole year' .. would
ya'? Geeze .. I don't know if I should
. It was certainly a dumb
thing for him to say.

As for the 'deranged' comment. I don't think so. I think he's crafty and still in
complete control of his faculties. However, I do think he's living in a fantasy and
too full of himself.

I'm just glad he's not president. Then again .. He and Cheney are really
co-presidents, aren't they?

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 03:45 PM
I think back to when I served over there. The months between Sept. and Nov. were brutal. Having to wear uniforms, sleeves down, flack jacket, LCE, gas mask, etc, etc... I don't know how I/we made it through; how today's soldiers are making it through.. I really feel for 'em. Was just telling my mom that at night, it was just as hot and impossible to sleep. ON average its 120-125 degrees in the shade over there.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:11 PM
Everything Rumsfeld had done has turned to (you fill in the blank) re: our military and Iraq. Bush is deranged, too, for not sacking him.

Senators Slam Rumsfeld At Hearing: “Under Your Leadership, There Have Been Numerous Errors In Judgement”...

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:18 PM

like somebody said it most be the heat what makes the insurgency mad. . .

Or like Flyers said that is the entire year

I guess he wanted to keep the winter months to himself

I am very upset that the Insurgency dares to chose the months they want to fight.

Shame on them

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 05:14 PM
The fact of it is a no-brainer.

Its like that in nature, too, tho. Everything slows in the winter months.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 05:16 PM
A cocky blowhard loser.... What can you say, the man says one thing and does another! Nothing he says makes sense or is based in reality.

Anyone ever notice he was part of Vietnam and now Iraq??? I mean he was with Nixon and Johnson and now with Bush...

BTW, how many good presidents have come out of Texas??? Can anyone name one?

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by GrndLkNatv
A cocky blowhard loser.... What can you say, the man says one thing and does another! Nothing he says makes sense or is based in reality.

Anyone ever notice he was part of Vietnam and now Iraq??? I mean he was with Nixon and Johnson and now with Bush...

BTW, how many good presidents have come out of Texas??? Can anyone name one?

Sam Houston.. er I guess he was a governor.

Yes, he was involved with Nixon/Ford. Not a bit surprising. He actually hired president cheney, giving him his start. So they've been buttbuddies for decades.

Rumsfeld had made a colossol killing off the business of war.

He does speak in a bizarrly poetic way.. but he lives on fantasy island.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 06:06 PM
Did you see the hearings of Iraq?

I guess the truth is out, Iraq is the bloodiest war and one so out of control that in may alone 6000 Iraqis die.

Rumfeld could not make a straight assessment of the conditions in the ground so as not to incriminate himself to much.

Is some speculations that as the Israel-Lebanese conflicts escalated or gets beyond Lebanese borders so the problems in Iraq will get even worst.

Is a shame that here the media is making such a fuzz about Mel Gibson anti sematic comments, the Hebollah killing people in Israel and Israel targeting women and children but their numbers are relatively small compare with the death toll everyday in Iraq.

Do I smell war of propaganda to take away from the realities in Iraq.

Perhaps that is why we have now something on the news as priority . . .Israel and Lebanon.

What a whole bunch of BS.

posted on Aug, 4 2006 @ 09:50 PM
Unbelievable. I actually agree with Hillary, for once. Its pretty hypocritical of her, tho, to act like she just now sees this. He should have been ShCanned three years ago.

Sen. Clinton says Rumsfeld should resign

"Under your leadership, there have been numerous errors in judgment
have led us to where we are," she said. "We have a full-fledged
and full-blown sectarian conflict in Iraq."

The defense secretary rejected some of her specific criticisms as
wrong and said the war against terror will be a drawn-out process. He
he never glossed over the difficulties of the fighting.

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 08:57 AM
Good ole, Ronny DUMBSfeld.

This jack-ass couldnt find his arse with a flashlight in a house of mirrors.

This is the same retard that used to run Gilead Sciences, who are the proud makers of Tamiflu.. the completely useless drug against H5N1.

The things going on in Iraq are probably going exactly how Dumbsfeld and Bush want them to. He's just a giant d@che... or is it a turd sandwich.

Spring,fall, and summer...lmao... what a butt clown

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 12:10 PM
Rumsfeld is an azzhat!

But seriously, he is a master death merchant. On par with Hitler and his cadre. I know some will balk at that equation, and I understand the repellent nature of the suggestion. No American could ever be that bad! Well, guess what? Its true. He is. Just take a stroll down the list of ventures he has been involved in through the decades. His resume speaks for itself.

He is truly Dr. Strangelove.

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 12:36 PM
Rumsfeld's testimony before congress in the media regarding the Iraq War is maddening. He's the biggest liar I've seen next to Cheney. I saw this article which says everything I could and more....

Published on Friday, August 4, 2006 by

Being a TV Expert Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry
by Jeff Cohen

At yesterday’s hearing, Senator Hillary Clinton made a big show of holding Rumsfeld accountable for a war she authorized and has vociferously supported. She’s calling on Rumsfeld to resign. That’s a good idea.

And if voters want to hold Sen. Clinton accountable for her strong support of the Iraq war, they can vote her out of office as early as September’s primary.

posted on Aug, 5 2006 @ 07:45 PM
That's what this government does.

Just talk. It doesnt matter if it makes sense. Just talk. Just say anything.

Look right at the camera and talk.

posted on Aug, 6 2006 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
That's what this government does.

Just talk. It doesnt matter if it makes sense. Just talk. Just say anything.

Look right at the camera and talk.

Hillary Clinton's really flexing those Senatorial muscles..

Rumsfeld must go! she cries..

I agree with her, but I also think she must go, too. She has enabled him straight down the line.

posted on Aug, 6 2006 @ 06:12 PM
Rumsfeld is proof that politicans shouldnt intefer in military planning or the day to day running of a war. Outside of politics I cant think of any current members of the Bush admin who would still have a job once there performance was reviewed.
Members of the Bush admin including Bush himself would benefit greatly from a public speaking course.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 01:37 AM

[edit on 7-8-2006 by jsobecky]

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 05:52 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Rumsfeld must go! she cries..

I agree with her, but I also think she must go, too. She has enabled him straight down the line.

Few people see this for some reason. Can you perhaps give some examples to our gentle readers? It might go a long way.

posted on Aug, 7 2006 @ 07:23 AM
Whoops - sorry about that last post. Caffeine hasn't kicked in yet.

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